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“There’s something going on between you two. Don’t let your fear stop you from finding happiness.”

I nod my head before shoving the piece of paper back into my pocket and turning my attention toward the front of the sanctuary. My body moves on autopilot. Having grown up going to church every Sunday and on holidays, I can sing all the hymns and recite the required passages in my sleep, something I’m very thankful for at this moment because I can’t focus on anything but Finn.

I have no idea how much longer the service lasted. It could’ve been hours or only a matter of minutes, but as soon as it ends, I need to read this note and find Finn. Grabbing Peyton’s hand, I pull her toward the end of the pew.

“Where are you two off to in such a hurry?” my mom questions, her eyebrow raised. “The Taylors and the Buckleys are coming over for lunch this afternoon.”

Of course, they are. I want to have time in private with Finn to read his note and maybe give him a chance to explain, but that won’t happen with both our families around. Not to mention Campbell’s family.

“Don’t worry, Auntie Roberta. I just need to get Marissa to sign the receipt for breakfast this morning before I forget. We’ll be right over after I get the bakery closed for the day. I’ll even bring some of your favorite cookies.”

The promise of cookies seems to appease my mother. “Oh, that would be great.” She smiles brightly at the two of us before threading her arm through my father’s. “We’ll see you two at the house. Lunch is at two.”

With a wave of her hand, she pulls my father into the crowd and disappears from sight.

I glance at my watch and sigh in relief. “Great. Just enough time to make it home and take a shower. I’d get a nap if someone wasn’t dragging me off to the bakery. I really wanted to talk to Finn before lunch.”

“Of course, you’re going to talk to him, and we aren’t going to the bakery. I had to come up with something in order to keep your mom off your back,” Peyton whispers softly, leading me by the arm toward the door. “Take all the time you need. Just keep me in the loop. I’ll keep your mom busy long enough for you to have a private conversation.”

“I love you, Peyway,” I choke out as we find the door, and I pull my arm free.

“I love you, too. Now, let’s get you to your SUV so you can have a moment to read your message.” Better to get it over sooner rather than later, but the moment I step out the door, I notice Campbell’s mom waving at me. She has a bright smile plastered on her face and her hand wrapped tightly around a mini Campbell.

“Oh, Marissa. I was hoping to see you before we headed to your parents’ house for lunch.”

“More like corner you,” Peyton mumbles as I elbow her in the side and plaster a smile on my face.

“How have you been doing, Ms. Peggy?”

“Don’t be so formal with me. We were practically family at one time.” She throws her arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for a tight hug. “Besides, I’m making your favorite for lunch today, chicken and dumplings.”

Lunch and dinner after church service are a big deal in my family, hell in the entire town of Magnolia. A way for all of us to show off our cooking prowess and fill our stomachs at the same time. My mom, Ms. Peggy, and Ms. Charlotte always cook enough food to feed an army, ensuring Peyton and I have more than enough leftovers for lunch the following day.

“I’ll call you whatever you want for some of your chicken and dumplings,” I respond with a smile, causing her and Peyton to laugh loudly.

Campbell’s mom and I always had a great relationship. It was rocky at first because we are two very opinionated women, but once she discovered I wasn’t there to steal her baby boy, things changed.

“But you know as well as I do that my mom would have a fit if she heard me calling you by your first name. You’d do the same to Campbell if he did, as well.” I check my watch as I scan the crowd for Finn. Usually, I’m all for small talk after service, especially with Ms. Peggy, but right now, I want to get to my SUV.

“She’s right, Mamaw. You love to yell at Daddy for speakin’ like he ain’t got no trainin’,” a tiny voice says from beside her.

“You mean home training, darling. And yes, we always need to be on our best behavior and use our manners.”

My eyes shift downward, noticing a tiny hand wrapped in hers. I assume the tiny replica of her son standing beside her must be little Ashton.

Ashton is the spitting image of his father. A head full of dark brown hair, hanging like a mop around his head that on anyone else would look ridiculous. He has hazel eyes and rosy cheeks as he gives me a tentative smile before ducking behind his grandmother.

“And you must be Ashton.” I bend down to his height and hold out my hand. He looks up at his grandmother for approval before reaching out and taking mine, giving it a small shake.

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” he responds before quickly pulling his hand away from me.

“Please don’t call me that.Ma’amis my mom. You can call me Marissa.” Ms. Peggy clears her throat loudly. “I meanMs.Marissa. We don’t want you getting in trouble for not acting like you have home training.” I give him a wink for good measure, causing him to giggle.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Marissa.”

“Marissa and your daddy work at the station together, Ashie Pie.” Ms. Peggy smiles down warmly at him as someone new catches my eye.

My eyes widen in surprise as I watch Campbell and Finn striding toward us, their heads thrown back in laughter as Finn pats him on the back. My eyes narrow, wondering when these two became so chummy but chalk it up to coincidence. Either way, this can’t lead to anything good for me. That’s one thing I’m sure of.
