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Meanwhile, I was a pain in the ass, went out of my way to stick it to anyone who would let me, and I was so gray that you couldn’t tell whether there was more white than black.

The day that Kobe got assigned the case, I became obsessed with him.

However, the night that I’d gone into labor, it was pure happenstance that he’d found me at that bus stop.

I was waiting for a ride out of town, using his friends’ business to get where I wanted to go—they were men who saved women from dangerous and or abusive situations and gave them a new life when they needed it most—and I’d taken advantage of them.

They’d said someone would be there shortly to take me to my new life.

However, something had happened and they’d been all pulled away. Meanwhile, there Kobe was, a knight in shining armor, there to save the day.

When my contractions had hit me out of nowhere, I’d had nowhere to go.

I’d sat on that stupid park bench for an hour, laboring and realizing that I’d fucked up completely.

Then I started to feel bad, as in something was wrong bad.

I’d passed out multiple times and was seconds away from delivering whether I wanted to or not, when Kobe had arrived.

He’d saved me that night.

He’d saved JP.

And he didn’t even know it.

So yeah, I would protect him with everything that I had. And help him whether he wanted me to or not.

Which was what led me to right then.

“Listen,” I said as I packed up my things. “I’m helping him. It’s his friends—friends that had also helped me whether they knew it or not—and I’m going to do what I can to make sure that they’re okay.”

Morr rolled her eyes and waved her hand at the table. “I got it. And your girl. I’ll get her from school and then take her home with me for the weekend. You go.”

So I did, blowing her a kiss as I left.

There were three people in this world that I trusted with her. Morrigan, an elderly neighbor woman that I’d done extensive background checks on named Grace and Kobe. Whether Kobe knew I trusted her with him or not.

I had a go bag in my car—that was the kind of thing you did when you had someone that was after you and your kid—meaning that all I had to do was head straight to Kobe’s place.

I knew exactly where he lived.

I made sure that he’d gotten the listing because it suited his needs the best.

I also had the code that would get me into his door. Though, I didn’t use it.

I waited for him to exit, and sure enough, he did minutes later.

There was one pastime that I always loved.

That was arguing with Kobe.

Something in which he always did well, even if I could tell he was irked with me as he did it.

Long moments of arguing with him on the merits of going with him later, I smiled at him. Which I knew would piss him off.

Then I said, with that same smile on my face, “Well then, it’s time to get over it, Kobe Sano.”

I knew the words I’d just uttered set his teeth on edge.
