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“But the egg retrieval…” He shook his head. “What did you think that was?”

I was already shaking my head. “All the shots and the pills…” I shook my head. “Sure, I should’ve paid more attention to all of that as you were doing it. But I thought that it was just one other thing that would help them get pregnant. Lisbeth explained that it was a procedure that would help ensure implantation. I never had any thought to question her on it. She was my best friend…why would I?”

That’s when her husband, Farrell, chimed in. “You’re not dumb, honey. You had to have realized that you were getting more than what you usually did.”

I glared at him.

I hated when he called me “honey.” It made me feel like a dumb girl.

I may be blonde, but I certainly wasn’t dumb.

“I don’t care what you say,” Lisbeth said. “We have the contract signed and sealed. You have no legal rights to this child any longer.”

I felt my stomach drop.

For some reason, I had a feeling she was right.

I’d signed away the rights to my child and hadn’t even realized it.

The urge to run hit me in the chest like a battering ram.

They had money, power and prestige.

I had nothing. I barely made rent, could hardly hold down a full-time job, and had never even met a lawyer, let alone had one on retainer.

Meanwhile, Farrell had so much family money that it was hard to see past the dollar signs on his expensive suits.

There was no way this would end well for me.

I’d have to watch the one person I thought was my friend raise my child and cut me out of their life.

I couldn’t do it.

I couldn’t and wouldn’t.

Resolve straightened my spine, and I got up. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m feeling rather sick to my stomach.”

“Don’t fight it, honey.” Farrell smirked as he watched me walk away. “It won’t end well for you.”

I gritted my teeth.

That motherfucker.

We’d see who it ended well for.


My nice button is out of order. But my bite-me button is working just fine.

-Coffee Cup


“You are no longer my son.”

Fourteen months ago, I’d committed murder for my sister. Well, at the time, I hadn’t realized that the “murder” in question wasn’t actually a “murder.”

What it was was a carnal fantasy she had. One where, in the dead of night, her house is broken into, and a man enters her home. Where he then forcefully rapes her.
