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Yet, she didn’t so much as twitch as she watched me walk toward her.

Ignoring all of the people that were now watching me like hawks—I felt more and more eyes on me as I moved closer to Folsom—I came to a halt directly in front of her bleacher row.

She looked down at me while I looked up at her.

“You found me.”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure ‘found’ is the right word. But I definitely located you.”

She tilted her head. “And how did you do that?”

“Funny enough, it was on accident,” I admitted. “I was in a Waffle House, eating after hunting down a few new things for my case, and when I looked across to the booth in front of me, I saw you printed on a paper.”

“Me?” she asked, sounding horrified.

I nodded. “You.”

“What?” She looked alarmed. Sick to her stomach. Horrified.

God, just being close to her…it was the first big breath of air I’d taken since she’d last been in my presence.


Life is like a dick. Sometimes it gets hard for no reason.

-Folsom’s secret thoughts


Horrified looks.

Those had to be what I was giving off as I processed that information.

He’d recognized me from the newspaper. What?

“Don’t worry.” He held up his hand in placation, obviously reading the rising alarm on my face. “The only reason I recognized you is because it was the same way you decorated your face two Halloweens ago when you and Morrigan took Aodhan’s son trick-or-treating.”

I blinked, looking away as I tried to decide if he was right.

If he was, I was okay. He wouldn’t lead anyone to me. It’d be one-hundred-percent safe having him here.

However, if he was wrong, and I trusted him anyway…that would mean the men hunting me might already know that I was around.

Turning back to him, I remembered those first few moments of elation that spread through me upon seeing him.

I decided to trust him.

Because if I couldn’t trust Kobe, then if we ever had a shit-is-hitting-the-fan moment, my contingency plans were gone. Well, I had to rely on Kobe, or everything would be complete shit.

I swallowed down the ball of fear that was permanently lodged in my throat and said the next thing that was on my mind.

The other big thing.

The fact that he was here…that spelled good things for me.

That spelled…freedom.

For him to know that meant there was one less person on this planet that would be out to ruin my life. That would be there, ready and waiting, to take my daughter away.
