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Something really, really bad.

• • •

I was numb.

Uncomfortably numb.

I could hear people around me talking, yet none of their words were processing correctly in my mind.

“…shot…” and “…lost a lot of blood…” and “…not sure if he’ll make it…” were repeated over and over the first thirty minutes as I’d gained the knowledge that Kobe was shot outside of his office building.

He’d been in the alley, according to Bain.

When he’d pulled up on his bike, he’d seen Kobe’s legs sticking out from between the two dumpsters all of the businesses shared in that back alley.

He’d been shot in the head.

According to Bain, he’d been shot at close range through his left eye. Though he’d still been alive when they’d taken him to the emergency room, they weren’t sure that he’d make it.


I numbly looked over at the person talking to me.


“Folsom, honey,” Wake murmured softly. “Are you listening to me?”

I nodded.

“Do you think that you can start doing your hacking thing and find out who did this to Kobe?” he asked gently.

Did I think…

A new determination rolled through me. “Yes.”

It took me seven hours and two minutes, but eventually, I had a list of every single person that was in Accident at the time of the murder. Of the two thousand people, three hundred of them had been on the square block as Kobe at the time that he’d been sh…hurt.

I couldn’t think about him being anything but hurt right now.

Nothing other than a small bump in our road had happened. He wasn’t hurt beyond anything he could handle. I knew it.

At least, that’s what I told myself to keep me calm enough to continue working instead of freaking out.

“Three hundred people,” Wake nodded. “That’s a list that we can work with.”

I was already shaking my head.

“I’ve narrowed it down to one person,” I said. “If I’d been thinking straighter seven hours ago, this would’ve been the first person that I accused, but I’d been so focused on Kobe and him being hurt that I didn’t think past that.”

“Okay,” Bain said, causing me to look over at him. At some point, he’d changed his clothes into hospital scrubs. I was thankful for that because the last time I’d allowed myself to look at him, he’d been covered with Kobe’s blood. “So who is it?”

I sent the information to all of their phones.

Their phones beeped, one by one, and they all pulled them out to stare at the photo and the information on their screens.

“Myen Sano and Dennis Addams,” Aodhan murmured. “Myen is Kobe’s sister. Who’s the dude?”

“Myen came over today—yesterday—to tell Kobe about their father passing away and it being time for Kobe to take over supporting her. Kobe pretty much laughed in her face, and I might’ve had a few choice words to say, too.” I felt my stomach drop. Maybe if I’d kept quiet, things would be different right now. “She left at least fifteen minutes before Kobe left to go to his office. They must’ve gone straight there to wait.”
