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“How do you know it’s a they? Did he come in as well as the sister?” Davis asked this time.

“No,” I said. “But both of their cell phones pinged in the same area. From my own personal information that I had on Kobe’s sister, I’d been following both his father and his sister long enough to know who their immediate acquaintances were. Plus, Kobe’s father announced that Myen was marrying, and I wanted to know who, so I could be prepared if Kobe ever cared to know.”

“Okay,” Etienne said. “What’re their locations now?”

“Now,” I said as I pulled up their locations—I’d been able to hack into their iPhones to find them through their Life 360 apps—“they’re about six hours north of here. They stopped at a diner to grab a bite to eat about two hours after leaving Accident.”

That was the problem most people didn’t understand when it came to convenient apps and devices—like the AirTag that Myen also had on her key chain in case she lost her keys. You could track your person or your keys with that app or device, but someone else—like me or the government—could also track you, too. Though the government had to have a warrant to do what I was doing.

I was thinking the government and their rules could take a flying leap off the closest high building right now, seeing as my…boyfriend? Man? Old man? Best friend? Hell, I didn’t know what identifier to give him, all I knew was that it would be very, very hard living without him.

I didn’t realize how much he was a part of my life—even this last year with him not physically being with me—until he was no longer there to bounce every thought, idea or suggestion off of.

Cassius stood and started to pace. “We can’t do this. Not and stay out of prison.”

“Kobe wouldn’t want you to,” I said. “But unfortunately for Myen and Dennis, I have a really good friend that doesn’t care about those kinds of things.”

“Who would that be?” Cassius asked, looking confused.

His wife, Alice, who’d arrived at some point over the last seven hours like every other wife except for Morrigan—who was staying at her place watching over all the kids because she was the only one I would trust with mine—snorted at his obvious confusion.

“I think that would be those two.” Alice pointed to the two men that were walking down the long hallway toward us. “They look like they don’t quite belong.”

No, they certainly did not.

“Who are they?” Wake asked, looking delightfully confused.

“Well…” I hesitated, not sure what to say.

Luckily, Lynn stepped in and offered his hand to everyone.

Hunt, who was a computer hacker and adorably cute in his glasses, just waved.

I nodded at him but didn’t get all bubbly or excited to see the two of them.

Not that I would have anyway, but I just didn’t have the energy to do anything like that.

“This is Hunt and Lynn,” I said to the group as a whole. “Hunt, Lynn, this is my family, Kobe’s family. Wake and his wife, Dutch. Bain and his wife, Diana. Etienne and Matilda. Cassius and Alice. Aodhan, his wife and my best friend, Morrigan, are at home with my daughter and the rest of these people’s kids.” I finally pointed at Davis. “Davis, you probably know. But that’s his wife, Greer.”

They all waved and introduced themselves, the women staying where they were across the room talking softly.

Wake frowned. “I feel like I’ve seen you before, but I don’t know why.”

“That’s because you probably did,” Lynn said. “Let’s sit down and I’ll explain. Honey, do you mind giving whatever you’re working on to Hunt? Our crew is here.”

His crew being the Souls Chapel Revenants MC.

They were a lot like this bunch, having met in prison with Lynn there to guide them and help them find their way after getting them out early. They were also a little bit more…rough around the edges.

Lynn went on to explain who he was, why he was relevant in my life, and how he’d helped get them all out of prison.

“This was all you?” Wake asked, surprise evident in his voice.

I shrugged. “I have to be completely honest with you, Wake. I didn’t contact Lynn to attempt to get you out. I contacted Lynn to get Kobe out. Kobe was the one who said he wanted y’all out with him, or he wasn’t coming.”

“Ahh, yes.” Lynn chuckled. “I remember that well.”

“Holy shit.” Wake pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why does this not all surprise me in the least? Stubborn motherfucker.”
