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“It’s just dinner, Brinley, nothing else.”

Her shoulders relax. “Sure. And if you want, I can drive you to the grocery store. I mean, you probably can’t get very many groceries on that motorcycle.”

“That’d be great. Sadly, I’ll be back in my truck in a day or two. I was already pushing it riding it today.” Her head tilts, so I add, “I towed my bike here with my truck. Truck and trailer are parked just outside of town, but I’m gonna have to put her away for the season. Just couldn’t resist today when the sun came out for a bit.”

“Sounds like you really like your motorcycle.”

“She’s a good ride.” I realize how that sounds coming out of my mouth and clear my throat. “I won’t be too long in the shower.”

I go to my room and grab my towel, shampoo, and body wash before heading into the bathroom. Something tells me if I leave her alone for too long, she’ll be all up in her head and change her mind.

Because I was in such a hurry, I didn’t take any clothes into the bathroom with me. When I come out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around my waist, Brinley walks out of her bedroom. We stand only inches apart while her eyes soak me in. A strangled sound escapes her throat that makes my dick twitch. I can only hope she doesn’t notice.

“Rules. We need rules.” She rushes down the hall.

I follow her to a whiteboard on the wall by the kitchen. I figured it was for a grocery list, but I guess I’m wrong because she picks up a dry-erase marker and writes “Rules,” followed by the number one below it.

“You should go get dressed.” She eyes me over her shoulder and inhales a deep breath.

“Sorry, forgot to take clothes in with me.”

She doesn’t turn around, putting up her hand. “It’s okay, I mean, we should’ve discussed this kind of thing when we found out that it was a coed situation.”

She writes.

1. Must be dressed at all times.

“I prefer to air dry, but okay?”

Her mouth hangs open.

I can’t help but chuckle. “I’m kidding. I’ll make sure to abide by rule number one.”

I head back to my room and strip off my towel. My dick is already half-chub. These next couple of months are going to be full of sexual tension, I know it. I dress in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then throw on my leather jacket. I decide on a backward hat instead of actually styling my hair.

“Thank you,” she says when I return to the kitchen.

“Sorry again.”

“I just want this to work out. I need half of the rent paid and you need a place to live, so we’re both stuck. If we started something, it would obviously just be a hookup type of situation and things always go south after a hookup.”

Intrigued by her statement, I ask what’s forefront in my mind. “Do you do hookups a lot?” Based on how she acted when we met, I wouldn’t have thought so, but her words suggest otherwise.

That blush strikes her cheeks again, except this time, it travels up from her neck to her face. “Yeah, of course.”

I nod slowly, not really believing her. “And you assume if something happened between us, it would only be a hookup? Why is that?” My head tilts.

She won’t look at me as she puts on her coat and zips it, repositioning her ponytail. “I guess I assumed you were only in town for a short period of time, so you’d only be interested in that.”

Smart girl. “Right. It’s not because you think I’m a manwhore who doesn’t do commitment.”

“No.” She shakes her head as if she’s convincing herself as much as me. “Of course not.”

I lean in close, invading her space and whisper, “Maybe you’re right.” I open the door to the apartment. “Ready?”

She stops at the doorway and looks up at me. “Good thing we have rules, so we don’t cross those lines.”

I can smell her perfume and I want to soak that scent into my skin. What must it be like to fuck someone like her? Someone so prim and proper. I’d love to pull out another side of her, hear her scream and boss me around as she tells me exactly how to make her come.
