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“You have another place to stay?” he asks, which is a telling way to start the conversation.

“I have an apartment in Lake Starlight.”

“I have to order the part. Not sure what happened or how it just came off, but with a furnace this old, it’s going to take a few weeks.”

I sigh. “There’s no way to get it sooner?”

“No, I have to wait for the part. But I’ll make some calls. It might come faster. Leave me your number on the back of my card and I’ll call you as soon as I have news.”

I scribble my cell number on the back and pass it back to him. He slides it into the front pocket of his overalls.

“How much do I owe you today?” I ask.

He waves me off with his handkerchief. “Nothing. Let’s wait until the part comes in and we’ll square away then.”

I nod. “Thank you so much for coming out here today.”

He smiles. “Don’t mention it.” I walk him to the door, and he turns around. “You can’t stay here tonight. The weather is making a turn, and you’ll freeze to death.”

I hold up my hands. “I have plans to go back to my apartment.”

“Good. That’s a good decision.”

I watch his van pull out of the driveway before I pack up my stuff and suck up the fact I have to come face-to-face with Van again.



Lucky’s is crazy busy, but it doesn’t keep my mind off the fact that I pushed Brinley out of her own apartment. She hasn’t been home in two nights. It’s now Sunday, and as all the patrons watch football on the TVs, I’m left wondering where she went and how many people in this bar might know exactly what happened.

It took me a few days to realize that in Lake Starlight, people know you or things about you even if you don’t know them. It took a couple more to figure out part of the reason why—the BuzzWheel app that keeps everyone in town in everyone’s business.

A woman approached me and said, “So you’re Brinley Kelly’s new roommate, huh?” When I answered yes, she proceeded to look me up and down and said, “Where did they find you? You’ll get her out of her hole, that’s for sure.”

I had so many questions, but it felt weird to ask a stranger rather than Brinley.

When she asked why I came to town, I told her it was because of the awesome snowmobile trails they have. It’s a hobby I picked up once I got to Kodiak. I don’t think I’ll ever move to warmer weather.

As I’m serving the Northern Lights Retirement table their coffees and another bowl of nuts, Brinley’s cousins I saw her with at the diner, enter the bar. They have Rylan and Calista with them. Piling into a recently vacated booth, the one who I thought was Brinley’s husband raises his hand for me, so I head over.

“Hey, Van, right?” he asks.

I nod.

“I’m Easton, this is Lance, and you know Calista and Rylan, right?”

I nod at Calista and Rylan. “Nice to see you again.” Then to the blond guy, I say, “Nice to meet you too. What can I get you guys?”

“Four beers.” Easton holds up four fingers as though I don’t speak English.

If I knew him better, I’d razz him, but I don’t, and I’ve done enough to their family, what with Brinley running away.

Calista clears her throat.

“Shit, sorry, three beers and a kiddie cocktail?” Easton says.

Calista narrows her eyes. “Just a water for now.”
