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“Are you sure he’s not your dad?”

“Kenzie!” I shout before lowering my voice. “That’s gross.”

“I need to get on BuzzWheel more. Anyone snapped a picture?” she asks hopefully.

I blow out a breath. I should’ve called Calista. “Yes, the other night at the grocery store, someone did.”

“Hold please.”

I wait, hearing horns honking, the city alive and moving while it’s quiet here in Lake Starlight—except for Van in the bathroom.

“Holy shit!” Thank goodness she’s no longer next to her fiancé. “How on earth have you not hit that yet?”

“Kenzie. It’s been, like, a week, and I’m all messed up in the head because we almost kissed. Then I fled to Great-Grandma Dori’s old place.”

She’s silent and I hear Van groan again.

“You ran to Northern Lights Retirement Center? This is what I was worried about. I know there are a lot of widows there, but Brin, you have to find a grief group your own age.”

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so morbid. “No, she has this… It doesn’t really matter. Fact is, I’ve never felt like this before.”

I hear rustling on her end, then the sounds of the city are silenced. Guess she’s back inside. “What about…”

“God no. That was for sex only.”

“And this wouldn’t be?” I think she’s preparing a pot of coffee now.

“I live with him, so there’s the whole getting to know one another thing. What if…”

She sighs. “What if you fall for him? Good! You deserve a bad boy. And look at your dad. He isn’t irresponsible just because he rides a motorcycle and has tattoos. You need a rebound guy. Use him.”

“It’s been four years, Kenzie, there is no more rebound. Anyway, let’s get to the reason I called you.” I sit up on the edge of the bed.

“Well, if you would’ve called me when you first brought in a male roommate, I wouldn’t need to catch up.” A muffled sound comes over the phone and I hear, “Morning, babe. Coffee’s almost done. Sorry.”

Kenzie isn’t really one to apologize unless she did something hugely wrong. Her fun, go-all-the-time personality is why at one point, I thought she’d end up with Easton, but they were like oil and vinegar together. In the end, I thought Lance would be her husband one day and we’d be cousins-in-law and raise our kids next door to one another, but that dream died quick.

“So, he’s sick. Throwing up in the bathroom,” I say.


“I should help him, right?”

“Like clean up after him?”


“Sorry, um… you’re Brinley Kelly, so yeah, you should.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you usually help anyone who needs it, so why are you calling me to see if you should help the poor soul in the bathroom?” She slurps her coffee. “Shit. Careful, babe, it’s hot. Want an ice cube?”

I hear his deep voice but can’t make out what he’s saying. A second later, I hear the ice maker.

“You’re right. I would help anyone.” I’m only second-guessing it because I’m attracted to him. If it were anyone else, I’d already be helping however I could. “Okay, I’m going.” I stand up from the bed.

“Go, Brinley!” she shouts.
