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I shake my head and stop at a stop sign. “He’s the exact opposite of anyone I’ve ever dated. And he’s just sharing an apartment with me.”

“Opposites are good. Your uncle and I were opposites.”

I nod, not in the mood to hear someone else’s love story as if that’s going to get me over my own. I shift the conversation. “Anyway, what did you need?”

“Oh well, we just got word that the network is having a reunion of the show your uncle and I used to do a long time ago. And it’s the same weekend as the camping trip with the twins’ Girl Scout troop. Is there any way you could go in our place? We’d owe you big time. The network is paying us too much to pass up the opportunity. I’ve called almost everyone else, but they’re all busy.”

I make a turn onto Main Street in downtown Lake Starlight. “All fifty of us are busy but me?”

“Well, you know, it’s not like I would send them with just anyone. Calista can’t do it, and you’re the one I trust as much as her.”

“When is it?” I’m such a sucker for this kind of thing and my entire family knows it.

“This weekend.” I can practically hear her cringe.


“I know. The network was just kind of hovering and not making a decision, but once they did, we only had a certain window to do it, what with the storm that’s supposed to come next week. Denver said it was this weekend or next spring.”

I sigh. “Okay, send me the details. When do you leave?”

“Well… that’s the other thing.”

I groan and wave to my uncle Austin’s best friend, Jack, as he comes out of his hardware store, Hammer Time.

“I need them to spend the night at your house on Friday, then the campout is Saturday.”

“Okay. I’ll grab them after school and take them home with me.”

“Oh, Brin, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Sending details right now.” I hear her clicking some keys on a computer, then she says, “Sent.”

We say our goodbyes and I eye a parking spot up ahead on the street. I park along the curb in front of the apartment, and as I’m stepping out of my SUV, I spot Van with his hand on the small of a woman’s back, escorting her into Uncle Rome’s restaurant, Terra and Mare.

What the hell?

The door shuts behind them and I’m almost breathless from surprise. But why am I surprised? We’re not involved, and just because he brought me lunch as a thank-you doesn’t mean he likes me. Here this entire time, I thought we were attracted to one another, but he’s dating. I shake my head because it’s really none of my business.

I go to my apartment door with my key in hand, but as much as I want to push what I just saw out of my head, I can’t. My stomach is roiling, and my chest feels tight. Without any forethought, I pull out my cell phone and hit the button to dial Lance. He picks up and I blurt out, “Let’s have dinner. Terra and Mare?”

“Um… okay. Sure.”

“Great. Hurry up and get here.” Then I hang up.

I head back down the stairs and out onto the street to wait by my car. I don’t want to walk into the restaurant alone, but then again, it’s prime dining hours. If I wait, I might not be able to get a table even if I am the owner’s niece. Shit. I text Lance.

* * *

Me: Did you leave yet? You better have left.

* * *

He texts back right away.

* * *
