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I spit out my water from laughing and he shakes his head, handing me a Kleenex from the box on the side table.

We spend the night barely touching except by accident, and when he yawns for the millionth time, I hit Pause and say we’ll watch more tomorrow.

I fold up the blanket as he puts the bowl of popcorn in the sink and throws the water bottles in the recycling. On his way back, he locks the apartment door. As he stands in the doorway to the bathroom and I stand in my bedroom doorway, we lock eyes.

The urge to negate the distance and put my lips on his is fierce. But I know exactly what that will lead to, and I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I have a feeling that when the two of us do come together, I’m going to need to be ready.

“Thanks,” I say.

“Stop thanking me. Good night, Brinley.” He steps forward and kisses my cheek.

“Good night.”

He disappears into the bathroom, and I walk into my bedroom, shutting the door. I do a double take when I look at my bed because something is on my mattress. I step forward to see it’s a sketchbook and pencils with a note.

* * *

You never know until you try. Draw me something as beautiful as you. ~ Van

* * *

I clutch it to my chest. “Thanks, Van,” I shout.

“You’re welcome.” He’s right outside my door, knowing I’d see it and probably wanting to hear my reaction.

God, what am I going to do with this guy? He’s not chipping away at my walls, he’s bulldozing right through.



The next day, Brinley is at work and my shift at the bar doesn’t start until five, so I do my laundry, clean the apartment, and after becoming antsy, I decide to call my commander. I talk to his assistant first, and she forwards me on to him.

“You were on strict orders, Adler,” he says by way of greeting.

It’s quiet in the background, so I assume he’s in his office.

“Just wondering how the weather is in Kodiak, sir.”

He laughs. “Bullshit. How are your orders coming?”

I shake my head and sit on the couch. “You mean my orders to find a life that doesn’t include the Coast Guard?”

“That would be the one. I issued it myself.”

“Which, in truth, isn’t really your call. Maybe I want to be married to the Coast Guard.”

The conversation is quickly turning into the same one we had when he denied my paperwork to reenlist until I took all the time off I’ve accumulated. I don’t want to go down that same path today.

“Don’t make me keep you on desk duty when you get back.”

“Sorry, sir. You have to be missing me by now though.”

He laughs again. “A hotheaded alpha male who thinks he’s the best diver in the guard? I have plenty just like you.”

“We both know you don’t.”

“Is the reason for this call for you to convince me to let you come back early?”
