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Drew and Penelope go to their car, and we all make our way into the gym. We find a spot in the middle of the gym right beside the wall, thank goodness.

“I’ll set up a single for myself,” Van says.

Besides his company, another good thing about having Van here is we get all the supplies inside in fewer trips and he takes care of all the heavy stuff.

Once we’re ready to go, I open my tent as Van opens his. I practically blink and his is already together while I’m still reading the directions on mine. Abby and Allie are holding sticks and becoming frustrated with my instructions because they’re right, they suck. And although I want to show them I’m as tough as their mom, I know Denver does a lot when they go on excursions.

“Do you mind?” Van’s hand is out for the instructions.

“At this point, no.” I hand them to him, and he glances over them.

“Abby, you put it through that hole, and Allie, go to the other side and get it when it slides through.” He directs the girls rather than taking over and doing it himself like I expect him to.

They listen and follow his instructions, and when the pole gets stuck, they all laugh. My heart aches from watching them interact because it’s not like there’s a future for Van and me, but I can tell that one day, he’ll make a great dad. After they’re finished, he high-fives them and pretends they hurt his hand.

“Excuse me, Drew,” a woman approaches him where he’s working on getting his tent up next to us. “Could you help us with our tent when you’re done?”

I recognize the woman, but I don’t know her very well.

“Sure, I’m almost done with ours and then I’ll be over,” Drew says.

“I can do it. I see you’re still a ways from finishing yours.” Van walks over to the woman.

Drew doesn’t say anything, but his facial expression is telling Van to fuck off.

“I told you, I have it handled,” a man says to his wife when she asks to be next.

I come out of our tent after helping the girls arrange their sleeping bags and see Van halfway across the room, helping someone else put their tent together. Drew rushes over to another mom who has asked for help.

“What are they doing?” Abby asks me.

I watch Van slide in right before Drew reaches her and starts to put it together. Drew shakes his head until someone else asks for help, then he rushes off in that direction.

“You girls are witnessing two men competing to be the alpha male.”

“Like lions?” Allie asks.

“Who are they trying to impress?” Abby asks.

“Jeez, Abby, Aunt Brin, of course. They both like her.” Allie smiles at me.

I run my hand down her long dark-blonde hair. “I don’t know about that.”

Then we all laugh as both men scramble to help the next person and they end up on the floor from tripping over another tent that was in the way.

Being wanted does make me feel good, there’s no denying that. But if I had to pick a winner, it’d be Van. But he’ll be gone soon enough and then where does that leave me?



Once everyone’s tents are up, I go back to Brinley and the twins. Brinley is smirking at me.


“Sure was eager to help all those families.”

I shrug. “What can I say? I’m a helper.” I take off my sweatshirt since I layered up, thinking we’d be outside. After the sweatshirt is off, I notice Brinley’s gaze on me. “I have another layer I’m taking off.”
