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“Then it’s a date.”

“I might have to work,” I say.

“There’s always after.”


I kiss her one more time, a quick peck, before buckling my seat belt and starting the truck.

We get to the park closer to Anchorage to ride the snowmobile since, after our ride, I have something else planned. We both dress in our snow pants and jackets, hats, gloves, and boots. We unload the snowmobile and she hops on the back. The trail isn’t very busy, what with it being a weekday.

With her arms secure around my middle, I start the machine and we head into the woods. This is one of my favorite trails around this area. I’m pretty conservative at first since I’m not sure how comfortable Brinley is doing the same activity that killed her grandparents. Although I have no idea how her husband died, I want her to enjoy herself, not frighten her.

“You can go faster,” she says.

I laugh, revving the engine and speeding up. We go through trees, and I rest my hand on her leg as we make a turn I worry might tip us, but we come out of it fine. I relish having her body so close to mine for an hour until we get to a spot with a view of a glacier. We take off our helmets, and I go sit behind her so she’s in front of me.

“It’s amazing how beautiful nature is, isn’t it?” she says.

“Sad the way the glaciers are melting.”

She nods and looks back at me. “Thanks for taking me. It’s been way too long since I’ve done something like this. On my day off, I’m usually with some family member. They like to pass me around like a hot potato ever since Sawyer died.”

“Well, I’m glad you came, but the day’s not over yet. Do you want to drive?”

She gets an excited look on her face. “Um… yeah!”

We put on our helmets, she starts the machine like a pro, and we’re off without any warning. So much for me taking my time to increase our speed. She’s a demon right out of the gate, even venturing off to the side of the path where there’s fresh snow.

I revel in her laughter through the wind. The way her body knows exactly how to move. She’d ride my motorcycle like a pro. I wish the weather was warmer so I could take her out on my bike. I place my hand on her hip, and she slows us down through an opening in the trees, pointing toward a moose in the middle.

We watch it since we’re far enough away, and it doesn’t see us yet. It’s busy eating snow and just looking around.

She starts back up, going slowly, but quickly increases her speed once we’re away from the moose. She drives for about an hour, then we’re back at the truck.

She stands and takes off her helmet. “That was so fun. Thank you.”

I remove my jacket because I’m sweating, then I get the snowmobile up on my trailer. She helps me secure it by taking one side and I take the other. We work as a team.

I try not to think too much about the warmth spreading throughout my chest at the thought that this is what life is about. Having someone to share these moments with. The glacier, the moose, the memory that will always make me think of Brinley. All these years I’ve been solo, telling stories to my buddies about what I’ve seen, not having anyone else to share the memory with.

We strip out of our snow pants and jackets and climb into the truck to get warm. She immediately puts her hands by the heater, but I take them in my own and blow on them, rubbing them to get them warmer quicker. Our eyes catch, and she has a soft, gentle smile. And then a grin that says a million different things but mostly how much she appreciates today.

“You were even more beautiful out there. There’s a side of Brinley Kelly I didn’t know existed.”

She laughs. “Yeah, I’m kind of a thrill seeker like my dad. But I haven’t done anything like that since Sawyer died.”

I want to ask her how he died, but I don’t want to upset her by asking her to relive such an awful time in her life. I’ll be patient, and I’m sure she’ll tell me when she’s ready.

“You were in your element for sure. Hopefully, you’ll think the same of our next adventure.” She tilts her head and I turn to the steering wheel to buckle in. “It’s a surprise.”

I drive us twenty minutes to a parking lot filled with firetrucks and ambulances parked along the fire lanes.

“What is this?” she asks, but as we grow closer, she sees the signs for the Polar Plunge. “Seriously?”

“You game?”

She bites her lip. “Yeah, but it’s my first time.”
