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“Me too. We’ll do it together.” I hold my hand out for her, and she puts her hand in mine. I squeeze it. “Let’s go.”

She nods and we exit the truck, walking up to sign our release forms.



The sign on the table reads, Annual Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics. I cannot believe I’m about to jump into a lake that was carved out, but here goes nothing.

Van hands me a package on the way to the sign-up.

“What’s this?”

“What you’ll have to wear.”

I lift the yellow bikini out of the bag. “Are you insane? It’s freezing.”

“I’m only wearing board shorts,” he says as though that’s comparable.

“If you wear a speedo, then I’m game. Otherwise, I am not going in a bikini.” I cross my arms.

He blows out a breath, looking around. “I don’t have a choice. I didn’t buy a speedo.”

I eye his lower half because I saw his boxer briefs the other night, and he doesn’t wear the super long ones. He must prefer the short version that’s only, like, three inches down his leg and they are tight in the best way.

He shakes his head with a chuckle. “Deal.”

“Really?” I do a little dance.

“Come on.” He pulls on my hand and leads us to the table.

The people are super nice and Van hands them a check as our pledges for entry. I’m not sure how much it is, but the woman’s eyes bulge out and she passes it to another woman and touches his arm while filling out the form, thanking him.

“Happy to help,” he says with one of his easygoing smiles.

I sign my name, releasing them of all liability. We’re told to go inside a giant tent where there are private stalls to change, then come out with our bag of clothes and towels or whatever and go to the edge of the lake for our turn. She explains there are firefighters in the water in diving gear in case something bad happens, but all we have to do is jump in and swim to the other side with the ladders and climb out. There’s another tent on the other side where there are hot tubs to warm us up.

“But as we all know, body heat is the best way to warm up.” The woman winks at us.

I’m sure my face is bright red and not from the cold.

Van picks up his duffel bag he left on the ground while filling out the papers and we go to the prep tent. Since we’ve seen each other naked—and thanks to the bikini he got me, I’ll need his help tying it around my back—we change in the same stall.

“I cannot believe you bought this for me. Do men know that sometimes a one-piece can be just as sexy?” I take off my jeans, already feeling the crispness of the air on my skin. “Plus, what if I didn’t shave?”

“Did you?” he asks, stripping off his sweatshirt and unbuckling his pants.


“Why?” He bites his lip and looks at me.

“Because we were going on a date and women shave before dates.”

“I heard only if…”

I shake my head. Of course I shaved in case we slept together. After the other night on the couch and then the shower, we’re so close, and he’s been so great about waiting. But he doesn’t need to know that. “I guess you’ll have to find out, but next time you take a woman on a date to a Polar Plunge, some warning would be nice.”

He chuckles but pulls down his jeans, and the small space between us heats despite the time of year. His boxer briefs are typical black ones, just like the other night, and his dick bulge is substantial—even in the cold.
