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“Stop staring at me because I’m not going out there with a hard-on.” He folds his clothes and mine and puts them in the duffel bag before taking out two giant beach towels.

“I need you to tie me up,” I say, pulling the two straps to my back and turning around.

“I’ll tie you up anytime. All you have to say is please.”

I shiver from the deep timbre of his voice, and he takes the straps and ties them around my back, then tightens the one around my neck.

“So how do I look?” I put my hands out at my sides.

“I think I should’ve gone with a wetsuit for you.”

I playfully smack him, pick up my towel, and wrap it around my body as though I just got out of the shower. He ties his around his waist, showing off his chest. The minute we step out, the rest of the tent grows silent from all the women gawking at him.

We get in line, and he possessively puts his arm around my waist, keeping me by his side, which I’m not going to complain about. I’m happy to let these women know we’re together. Plus, he’s kind of keeping me warm.

The line inches along, and the screams of the people jumping into the water make me feel as if I’m at a haunted house, and the screams are a warning of what I’m in for.

Before I’m ready—of course, I’m not sure I would ever be ready—we’re at the front of the line. We talk to some guy who asks us our names and where we’re from. I’m surprised when Van says Lake Starlight along with me, but I guess that’s accurate right now.

“Stay warm, although I have a feeling you two don’t have a problem with that. Oh, to be young again.”

We laugh.

“It’s your turn. Go jump.” He puts out his arm in the direction we need to go.

Suddenly, my feet freeze in place, and not just from the snow I’m standing on.

Van doesn’t accept me having last-minute doubts. “Just imagine how you’ll feel when it’s all over. That adrenaline high.”

“Or death.”

“Look at Ken and Barbie here,” a fireman yells.

“Malibu Ken and Barbie, you mean,” someone corrects him.

They all laugh.

“Just tell us when to jump,” I grumble when I really want to ask how jealous they are of Van’s body. But they’re the ones who will save us if something happens, so I keep my mouth shut.

“Okay, brave ones, on three.” The guy on the microphone counts down for us. “One… two… three.”

We jump and I’m consumed by the cold water. All the air rushes out of my lungs, and when I come to the surface, my body is numb. Once my voice is working, I scream. Shaking like a pile driver, I make it over to the ladder and the fireman high-fives me as I grab it and walk up. Once Van’s out, he grabs my towel, wrapping it around me before he takes care of himself. We run to the tent with the hot tubs, and I drop my towel before jumping into the closest one.

“Oh my god, that feels so good. Too good.” I squat as low as I can and Van steps into the hot tub as though it wasn’t that bad. “Are you trying to act like some tough guy?”

He smirks, sitting down, so I swim over and cozy up on his lap. There aren’t too many people in here right now, and I’m only sitting on his lap.

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my temple. “You okay?”

I look up and nod. “It was exhilarating. At first I couldn’t breathe from how cold it was, but then I felt refreshed, and then I was freezing cold. But this… this is nice.” I run my hands over his body that’s slowly warming up.

“It is nice. I wish it was our own personal one.” His hands slide around my stomach.

I become hyperaware that I’m barely wearing anything. The fabric that separates our bodies is minimal. Sexual hunger roars up inside me.

A large group comes in after us, so I slide off his lap to sit beside him, and he takes my hand. His thumb runs along the length of my thumb and it’s as if he’s strumming my libido because I’m anxious and needy for his touch in other places. I’m not even sure what’s come over me, but I’m about to straddle him even with witnesses.

“Brin,” he says, his first time using my nickname. He must notice the lust in my eyes because he tilts his head. Then he turns to the other people. “I think she’s still warming up. We’re from Lake Starlight.”
