Page 64 of Hard Hit

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“Not yet,” Nash told him.

“Shit.” Rory collapsed into the seat between Sawyer and Nash. “I was afraid I’d missed it.”

“This is taking too long,” Sawyer mumbled. “I’m a wreck.”

Suddenly Lars appeared in the doorway, his face tight and drawn. “They are prepping her for surgery,” he said in his quiet, accented voice. “One of the babies is in distress.”

“Jesus.” Nash got up and walked over to him. “Do you need anything?”

Lars shook his head. “No. I just wanted to…update everyone.”

I didn’t hear what Nash said to him, but Lars’s teammates had surrounded him and I tried to tamp down the worry gnawing at my gut. This had to be scary for Sheridan.

I moved away from my dad, pulling out my phone so I could tell Boone what was going on.

JOLIE: Hey. Looks like Sheridan is having a C-section.

BOONE: Shit. I wish I could be there.

JOLIE: Better that you’re not. My dad showed up and he’s all over me for being here.

BOONE: I’m sorry, beautiful.

JOLIE: Don’t worry about me. Just send some good vibes into the ether for Sheridan and the babies.

BOONE: You got it.

JOLIE: I’ll see you later, okay?

BOONE: Are you coming over?

JOLIE: You want me to?

BOONE: I’m going to be gone for a week…what do you think?

I smiled as I typed out a response.

JOLIE: I think it’s a good thing I didn’t wear underwear.

BOONE: You’re killing me. You know that, right?

JOLIE: I don’t know what you’re talking about. LOL

BOONE: See you later, babe.

I stuffed the phone back in my pocket as my father came over to me.

“We should talk,” he said.

“Not here, and definitely not now.” I shook my head.

“You have to trust me,” he said finally. “I know what’s best for you. I’ve lived this life and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Ask your mother.”

“But it was okay when I was marrying Jarvis? Don’t be a hypocrite, Dad.”

“Guys like Boone will chew you up and spit you out,” he said, his voice laced with contempt. “I don’t want that for you.”

“I’m not talking about this with you in front of the team,” I said quietly.
