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And how good it felt to let go and do something wild. How his rough hands felt against my skin, how he kissed me like I was the air he needed to breathe, and how his body….


I needed to put this behind me as soon as humanly possible. I could not be held responsible for what I’d done under the influence of ancient spirits.

“So all along, you had a feeling I’d hate fuck our camera guy?” I still smelled like sex. How mortifying.

Bibi took a seat beside me. “Maybe the Hudaknocker is trying to tell you something.”

Leave it to her to see the silver lining in this mess. “Don’t have sex with your coworkers?”

“Yes, that’s probably a part of it, but maybe it’s telling you it’s time to find your mate.”

In Bibi’s defense, she’d probably fallen under the influence of the blasted artifact too. But she always saw the best in people and wanted them to be happy. It made her a joy to work for. But I had no plans of going in front of the camera.

Until about two hours ago, I’d had no plans of goingunderthe cameraman either, so plans needed to be flexible around here.

“Bibi, the parking lot is full of paparazzi waiting on a story, and their mouths are probably watering just because you suggested I find a mate. Of course, they have no idea why yet.” I chuckled. That used to be me, doing whatever it took to be first with the story. “They’ll have a field day. I’m Suzanne Marlowe’s daughter.”

“Maybe this would be a chance to set the record straight.”

Okay, that was tempting. Even though I knew what kind of mud I could be dragged through if I said yes to this. “But my parents are the ones who are accused of wrongdoing.”

“You took the fall with them,” she said.

I nodded.

Bibi squeezed my hand. “Listen, as much I would likeThe Mating Gameto go on forever, eventually, it will come to an end. If you star in an episode, you can show the world who you really are. You’re not your parents. You’re passionate, funny, hardworking, and a damn good producer who is doing great work here. In the meantime, you deserve to fall head-over-heels madly in love with a gorgeous shifter if that’s what you choose.”

“That’s why I love working with you so much, and I’m terrified that things won’t be the same after tonight. How am I gonna face him?” There was no possibility of ghosting Bjorn. Whether I went in front of the camera or not, there was no getting away from him.

“The same way you always have. With integrity and confidence.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” I tipped my head back. It was such a perfect night. Stars were twinkling, and the red rocks were glowing in the low light from the movie screen. Love was definitely in the air.

“Everything going okay?” A gorgeous dark-skinned woman came up to us. She’d been sitting with Bibi when I drama-bombed them and had walked away for a moment to give us some privacy. Deep in my pity party, I hadn’t recognized her right away, but it was Tina, who’d been a producer on the last season ofThe Real Werewives…who’d starred in her own episode of the show because a gorgeous wolf shifter simply couldn’t live without her.

Well played, Universe. Well. Freaking. Played.

“Everything is great.” Bibi beamed at her. “Marissa, you’ve met Tina, right? Now that those beautiful babies are here, she’s ready to return to work, so she’ll collaborate with us on the new episodes.”

Great, Bibi already had my replacement lined up if this whole thing totally imploded.

I sighed. “How much choice do I have in this proposition?”

Tina quirked a brow, and Bibi mouthed that they would talk later. Great. But Tina played it cool and gave me a nod before she walked away.

“You have all the choice. Hannah’s ready, willing, and able to start her episode right now.”

Poor Hannah. She was so eager to go in front of the cameras, and here I was, looking at it like a punishment. She’d already been asked to wait once when Wendy had a change of heart about quitting.

“I could go after Hannah,” I offered.

Wait. What did I just say?

“I’d like to see you do it sooner rather than later. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to strike while the iron was hot.”

I scoffed. “You sound just like my mother.”
