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A lot of things could be said about Suzanne Marlowe, but my mom always had my back. Of course, needing her meant I had to tell her where I was. In my wine-soaked, under the influence of Bjorn, Hudaknocker haze, I convinced myself it was only a matter of time before she figured it out anyway. Sunset Springs wasn’t that big, and Bibi wasn’t exactly inconspicuous.

Bibi listened to binaural beats while she slept, and I was pretty sure she’d mentioned wearing an eye mask to bed. Which made it way too easy to slip out of the house without her noticing, but I didn’t think for a second that she would sleep that easily if there was no security. Hugo would have this place totally secure.

I slipped out the backdoor and met my mom at the mercantile. The Village was dark and quiet at this time of night. But I still had to be careful. There were a lot of new babies in the Colorado Ranch pack, and the cabins they lived in lined the road into town. The last thing I needed was someone who was up with a little one to notice me making my escape when I was supposed to be sequestered at Bibi’s house.

“Is everything okay?” Mom asked when I slipped into her SUV. Even for a rental, it was ridiculously nice. She was all about appearances. “Wasn’t sure what I’d be walking into when you said you needed me.”

“Yeah, everything’s great.” I probably shouldn’t have said that. Less was more when it came to my mom. Especially when Bjorn was the subject. Maybe a field trip with Suzanne would be enough to make me stop thinking about that sweet kiss. Damn that infuriating bear for leaving me with an insatiable craving for more.

“I can tell. You’re glowing.”

“I just did a moisturizing mask.” And the guilt was setting in. We needed to get this done quickly. “I need you to take me toMating GameHQ.”

Her mouth dropped, and even in the dark, I could see her eyes light up with mischief. She smelled blood in the water. “You need an escort to go to work? Are you going to tell me which wolf is holding you hostage?”

“No, and no. I need you not to ask any questions, and just please do as I ask.” This was a bad idea, but there was no going back now. She’d already been on her way back to town before I’d told her where I wanted to go.

“Are you quitting your job? Or did you get fired?” Just because I told Mom not to ask any questions didn’t mean she wouldn’t give it the old college try. “Did Bibi tell you that you had to pick Bjorn? I always had a feelingThe Mating Gamewas staged, and this is pretty strong proof.”

“Mom.” I sighed.

“It just seems strange that you called me to take you to headquarters when everyone you know in town works for the show. Forgive me for being concerned for you. If you are leaving your job, we could definitely use you at the reboot ofThe Scoop. Ratings have been through the roof ever since we’ve been investigating the Hudaknocker. But I have to say, it’s not the same without you, Bug.” She pulled into the parking lot. I waved my pass at the security guard, thanking the moon and every star in the sky. I didn’t recognize him.

“Park in the back, please.”

“Marissa Marie,” she scolded as she cut the engine. “You know I’ll get to the bottom of this whether you tell me or not.”

“I’ll be right back. Stay here, and whatever you do, don’t talk to anyone.” I was out of the car before she could protest.

This was a terrible idea. I was definitely under the influence of something when I concocted this plan.

The night receptionist started when she saw me. “Marissa, I thought you weren’t working on this episode. Well, behind the scenes, anyway.”

“I’m not.” I smiled at her. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t get started on the next episode. We’ve kept Hannah waiting long enough, don’t you think?”

“She’s such a sweetheart. I’m looking forward to seeing who she chooses.” The receptionist’s face fell. “I’m excited about your episode too. You and Bjorn! Whoever would have guessed that?”

“Not me, that’s for sure.” I took a deep breath. “I’m gonna head back to the offices.”

“Take your time, dear.”

There were cameras everywhere, but I’d spent enough time here to know this place better than the back of my hand. I was known for my late-night work sessions. It was usually just me, whoever was working at the desk, housekeeping, and maybe some security.

But the security team was always shorthanded. Hugo had trusted some of the wrong wolves, and now Lars, his right-hand man, had gone furry, and we were told not to expect to see him until spring.

Opening the broom closet, I grabbed something with a long enough handle to nudge the camera trained on the hallway. Not enough that anyone would notice anything as they walked by, but my window of opportunity was still slim. Hugo and whoever else was watching these things had full remote setups.

Which meant I had to get into Bibi’s office immediately. The Hudaknocker was slated to be housed at a brand-new Museum of Shifter History, but ground wouldn’t be broken on it until Wendy was back from her mate moon. In the meantime, I would just take this blasted thing back to where it came from.

Of course, it had been planted at a now-defunct housing development at Wolf Rock, and I had no idea where those wolves found the relic, but I had to do this.

Just for a little while. Until I knew I could trust my heart.

My fingers shook as I punched in the code to the safe. I didn’t get it right the first time, and I was terrified it would alert security that I was up to no good. The second time was a charm, and I slowly opened the painted wooden box that held the Hudaknocker. Its power took my breath away. I was human, and it shouldn’t have had any effect on me. Wendy had felt it too, but there was a strong possibility Wendy had first-hand experience as the reincarnation of one of those ancient humans. When she got back from her mate moon, weneededto talk.

This was overwhelming. Addicting. Like it was taking over my life.
