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And I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would.

Maybe the Hudaknocker’s effects needed a few days to wear off.

“I thought we might keep things low-key,” I finally said. This would be my chance to be one-on-one with the bear without the influence of the relic.

Hannah scrunched her face. “Are you kidding? You’ve got to go big. Blow him away. You don’t want to give him every day Marissa. You want to give him a sneak peek of the temptress you can be behind closed doors.”

“Oh, you are too good at this,” Bibi cooed.

Maybe Hannah was right. I could get Bibi to postpone, but she had been pedal to the metal ever since we’d agreed to this episode, and I didn’t want my apprehension to look like I was wavering on Bjorn.

I just worried that Hannah might be right. That my idea might not be enough to impress him, and he would reject me.

That was something I’d never considered until now, and I wasn’t comfortable with how much I hated the possibility.

Hannah waved her hand. “I’ve been planning my dates ever since I got to Sunset Springs. Who am I kidding? By the time I finally get to go on a date, I’ll be so horny, I’ll jump my dude’s bones. The people at Whispers, the little sex toy shop downtown, are already getting sick of seeing my face. Sorry, Bibi. You may not have any useable footage from any of my dates.”

Bibi laughed. “Why am I not surprised? I’m sure we’ll find a way to make your episode shine.”

“Do you feel any different lately?” I asked.

Hannah tipped her head. “How so?”

“Less horny?”

“Hell no.” She laughed. “If anything, it’s worse than ever. So if you wouldn’t mind hurrying up and jumping the bear’s bones, I’d really appreciate it.”

Same, Hannah, same. Maybe I didn’t bury the Hudaknocker far enough away.

“In all seriousness, take your time. I’ll just keep myself entertained reading the dirty fan fiction on the forums.”

Bibi’s mouth dropped. “There’s dirty fan fiction on the forums? About us?”

Hannah nodded emphatically. “Enough to keep me busy until my episode starts. If you’re looking for ideas, Marissa, you and Bjorn have been very popular lately. I haven’t read any of your stories yet because that would be weird. But I have been bingeing the ones where the forum regulars insert themselves with their own contestants. They have some very interesting ways of choosing the winner. Or, in some cases, winners.”

I picked up my phone and opened the forum page. I hadn’t had the balls to look at them since my episode started.

“They won’t need to write any more fan fiction about Marissa and Bjorn because tonight is going to be juicy.” Bibi rose from the chair. “And she should probably start getting ready for her date.”

“Have so much fun tonight.” Hannah came over and gave me a hug. “I’ll head back to the chalet and flirt with the guys protesting against the Dildo of Destiny.”

I laughed. “That’s what they’re calling it now?”

“Don’t you dare hook up with any of them,” Bibi groaned.

“I make no promises. But if I do hold out until my episode, there’s no telling what I’ll do on that stage.” Hannah blew us air kisses on the way out the door.

Bibi turned to me and flicked on her phone camera on its little tripod. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I want to read some of that dirty fan fiction about me.” I grinned. “Seriously, though? I’m feeling amazing.”

“I would hold off on the fan fiction because you can make your own reality.” She rubbed her hands together. “Tell everyone what the plan is for tonight.”

“I want to make sure what I feel for Bjorn is real. Now that the Hudaknocker is gone—” I gasped. Shit. I totally just incriminated myself. On camera, no big deal.Keep going. Maybe everything’s fine. “I want to see if anything’s changed.”

“About the Hudaknocker,” Bibi said. Okay,finewas a gross underestimation. No big deal? Not even close. “You wouldn’t happen to know of its whereabouts, would you?”

The easiest, best thing to do was to just say yes. I did it. But somehow, it seemed so much more complicated.
