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More than that, I wouldn’t let her down.

“The bikes are ready,” Bibi said. “Are you?”

“Yeah.” I rose from the chair. “Where are we going?”

Marissa bit her lip. She’d been frantic ever since we talked to the alphas. “We need to go out past Woodland Park, and then I’ll know it when I see it.”

“Know it when you see it?” Hugo blinked in disbelief. “You don’t know where you put the Hudaknocker?”

“I do, but—"

“Sweet moon.” Bibi sighed. “Marissa, we need to find this relic.”

She sighed and followed me to the bike. Once she climbed on, she held me tight.

“We’ll find it,” I said.

“I hope so.”

I refused to entertain any option but success. “Tap my shoulder when it’s time to stop, okay?”

“I will.” Her body was stiff against mine. I could smell her fear. Which I hated, even more so because she’d done this to herself.

“You know, I’m not that bad that you had to cause this much trouble to try to get away from me.” I chuckled as I revved the engine.

“I’ve never felt anything this intense before, Bjorn. I just…never mind. Let’s get this thing.”

We headed out of Colorado Ranch Village. No big surprise there were reporters standing on the perimeter, with some of the wolves Hugo had recently put in place on the security team holding them back. If they were any good at their jobs, they would know Bibi’s bike, but it was obvious Bibi wasn’t the one riding it.

Maybe that would distract them enough that they wouldn’t care what we were doing with her bike.

The van took the other road out of the Village. That would send them close to downtown, and we’d have a more direct route. Hugo was watching our cameras on his monitor.

I headed out of town and up into the mountains that led to Woodland Park. It was good to be away from the show, even if it was only for a few moments, alone with Marissa. We hadn’t been alone since the episode started, and I was looking forward to having her all to myself.

Not like this, of course. On our next date, I’d make sure we had a suite booked at the chalet, and I would get to know every part of her all over again.

A wild spirit like hers would never be tamed.

A truck pulled out from one of the dirt roads that led up the mountain. Right in front of me, cutting me off. Marissa yelped as I swerved, barely keeping control of the bike. Slush splashed around us as the bike went off the road, but I fought to keep us upright as Marissa held on for dear life.

I glared at the truck, which wasn’t in any hurry. Whoever was in the passenger’s seat rubbed his fingers together before they took off.

They were looking to collect.

“Are you all right?” I asked. I could feel Marissa’s heart beating against my back.

“If I was a cat, I’d have one less life, but otherwise, everything’s still in one piece.”

“Did you get a good look at those guys? Any idea who they are? Because that was definitely not an accident.”

“How would they know we were on our way out here?” she asked.

Good question. They might have been tipped off, which was not good on so many levels. But I trusted Saint, Jackson, and especially Gabe after working with him so closely in the last episode. They wouldn’t fuck with us.

Now, if we didn’t come back, Hudaknocker in hand, that might be a completely different story.

“Maybe they’ve been waiting for us.” I revved the engine. “Hugo said there were more eyes on us than we realized.”
