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“He works very hard, and it’s good to see it paying off.” That was high praise from my dad.

Mom couldn’t stop smiling. “I can’t wait to meet Marissa.”

Bibi turned to me and winked. “Why don’t you come out and meet her?”

I couldn’t have heard her right. “Wait, they’re here?”

“Surprise,” Marissa mouthed.

My family came out from behind the screen. I could barely believe my own eyes. We’d kept in touch, but I hadn’t seen them in person since I left Norway. It was hard to make plans to see them because I never knew what my schedule would be, and they never knew when they would have to move in a hurry.

And now that they were here, I wasn’t sure if it was safe for them to stay. If those shifters looking for the Hudaknocker would try to fuck with them in their quest for the relic.

It felt so good to hug my mom. After all this time, even my dad was game for a hug. He’d always been a little distant, especially when it became apparent that I wouldn’t find a mate in the pack. I always felt like I’d disappointed him, and I was so glad he had a chance to meet Marissa in person before the episode aired. My parents weren’t up on celebrity gossip or reality shows, so they would be truly meeting her for the first time.

“We’ve booked a private dinner for all of you upstairs at the Orchid Lounge, so you’ll have a chance to catch up with each other.” Bibi couldn’t stop smiling. “Oh, I’m so glad this worked out, and you’ll have a chance to see Bjorn in action. Without him,The Mating Gamewould not be the success it is today.”

I put my arm around Marissa as we headed out the door to the van. I was very aware of the fact that Bibi was leading us toward the back door, away from the reporters.

My family wasn’t ready for a run-in with paparazzi, or worse, Suzanne Marlowe.

My dad walked beside us. “Wasn’t sure what to expect, coming here. But you did well.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’m glad you get a chance to be a part of it.”

He took a look around. Mountains surrounded Sunset Springs, and the sky was giving a show worthy of the town’s namesake. “Think I’d like to stay a while. See why you fell in love with this place.”



Bear rumbles were all around me, and I loved every second of it. After dinner, Bjorn traded off between hugging his mom and his sister in the parking lot of the Orchid Lounge, and I thought he might never let them go. Not that I could blame him. Even though they’d remained close, he hadn’t seen his family in person in years.

As much as my mom was a menace to society, I couldn’t imagine going that long without seeing her.

Finally, the Bernards filled the van, waving at Bjorn and blowing kisses like they might not see him again, which would definitely not happen. Bibi had helped me arrange for them to stay in a cabin in The Village so they would be right near us and they’d get to meet the Colorado Ranch pack.

And I’d do whatever I could to make sure this sweet family saw each other regularly.

Bjorn waved at the van until it disappeared and then turned to me. Those green eyes were sparkling, and I swear he looked younger. Like all his troubles had faded away.

“You’re adorable.” My heart was so full.

He picked me up and swung me around. “How the hell did you pull that off?” he asked, punctuating the question with a kiss on the cheek. His stubble was rough against my skin, and the sensation gave me the shivers.

“I can’t tell you all my secrets,” I teased.

His body stiffened, and he put me down.

Oh, no.

As much as he’d been thrilled to see his parents, so far tonight, he’d been a little distant toward me. I hoped I hadn’t done the wrong thing by bringing them here.

Or that it ruined the rest of our date. Tina had told me to pack a bag and not to skimp on the sexy stuff, so I had a pretty good idea of what Bjorn planned.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t change his mind. Because seeing him in his element, with his family, was much hotter than I had anticipated. Even hotter than the thought of showing him my brand-new lingerie.

“You should definitely tell him some of them,” Bibi said as we climbed into the other Mating Game van. “Impress him with your investigative skills.”
