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“This is so much fun. We never get to work on you,” Marjorie, the head makeup artist, exclaimed. It wasn’t often that I sat in the hair and makeup chairs, but nothing about today was business as usual. “I brought all the glitter today. Every day should be Bibifest.”

“Are you telling me you don’t have fun working on this show?” I teased. Letting the glam squad work on me was a blast. They had all sorts of tips and tricks that would make me even more fabulous.

“Of course I do. But days like this are the most fun.”

“They are.” I could only hope that sentiment would last. I was taking the stage as the main attraction in what we’d coined Bibifest, but I was only the opening act. Marissa and Bjorn would follow in the main event to promise themselves to each other.

At least, I had everything crossed, hoping that was what would happen. To say things had been rocky since their last date was an understatement. After the avalanche incident, I thought their fate was sealed. But something happened once we left them alone in the cabin together that changed everything.

Bjorn had been spending a lot of time with his family. Sometimes Marissa went with him, and sometimes, she preferred to stay alone in her boudoir, watching movies.

If they could weather this storm, they could make it through anything. But I hated this feeling of not knowing how things would turn out. As their fairy dragmother, I wanted nothing more than to fix it.

I had to wonder if this time spent on Bibifest had taken away from their episode.

The hairstylist tapped her finger against her chin, considering my wig. “How do you want to do this? Between those heels and the height of this wig, you might have trouble getting out of the trailer.”

“Very carefully. I won’t do anything to ruin your gorgeous work,” I promised. It was always my belief that if I looked my best, things would go smoothly. And if we were going to pull today off, I needed to be at my most spectacular.

Every time we took one step forward dealing with Suzanne, she found a way to move us two steps back. Bjorn managed to get the Hudaknocker from her, but she’d refused to leave Sunset Springs.

This town was big enough for both of us, and she was about to see how big I could get.

It took two hair stylists to lift the most epic wig I’d ever worn on stage. It was baby pink and teased into a beehive. It had sexy curtain bangs that framed my face perfectly. Marjorie refreshed my lash extensions, and my makeup had to go from look one to look two, which would be a bit more refined for Marissa and Bjorn’s segment.

Tina took the seat beside me, waiting for the hair wizards to pin this epic wig into place before she said a word. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I couldn’t do this without you.” I squeezed her hand. “You’ve been amazing this episode. I know you thought you were coming back part-time, and this episode has been anything but—"

“You know I love it, and excuse me, I thought I was talking to Bibi le Bonnet, the fairy dragmother who can make anything happen.” She laughed. “I’m kidding. It’s totally different when it’s all about you. But you’re in the best hands. Everyone here has your back. Roxy’s ready to do your interview, and if anyone knows a thing or two about adversity, it’s a child film star whose life went into total chaos. All your performers are here. Rehearsals were successful, and we’re about to let the VIP audience in. All we need is you.”

“There’s just so much on the line.” And that was before we factored in Marissa and Bjorn. By deep into an episode, I’d never wondered before if my contestants would accept each other’s mate claims. “Not just for me. I want all the special guests that I invited to get the spotlight as well.”

“Today is about you,” Tina reminded me. “I have the list of questions you approved. Roxy will totally have your back on stage. Just want to make sure you’re still happy with them.”

“Yes, they’ll be perfect.” I didn’t even have to look at them. Even if Bibifest was technically about me, it was really about the future ofThe Mating Game. I had at least one more couple I had to get over the finish line, and I would not let the likes of Suzanne Marlowe stop me.

Tina motioned to Stephanie to shut the camera off and then turned back to me. “This is just between us. Why are you so nervous to talk about yourself? You’re going out there in a wig that weighs more than both my babies, a silver latex catsuit, and platform heels that make you almost seven feet tall. You’re not afraid of the spotlight. But this has us all scratching our heads.”

“I like my actions to speak for me. I love helping people make their dreams come true. Because for a long time, I was afraid to be who I am. A lot of things that happened in the past...that wasn’t me. That was who I thought everyone wanted me to be. I guess once a people pleaser, always a people pleaser.”

“But the reason that everyone loves you is because you’re not afraid to be unapologetically yourself. Can I give you a little advice? Don’t hold back up there. Give everyone Bibi.”

“See? Told you I couldn’t do this without you.” I turned to the hairstylists. “Am I locked and loaded?”

“You’re ready. We’ll be at your quick-change station backstage when you’re ready for your wig change.”

“I couldn’t do this without all of you.” I rose carefully from the hair chair. This wig was spectacular, and it grazed the ceiling of the trailer.

Our wardrobe team was waiting outside, and they helped me into my wings.

“Whoa. You look totally badass,” Roxy said when she greeted me backstage.

“So do you.” She wore a savage LBD that showed off her voluptuous curves. Even though she’d retired from the big screen, she’d always look like a movie star. “Before we do the exposé to end all exposés, I have to tell you—my phone is going crazy with notifications.”

“Well, this is a big day.” I pushed my shoulders back, making sure my wings were at their most regal.
