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I was so fucking pissed that Suzanne had ruined this experience for them. They loved Marissa, and I hadn’t yet figured out how to broach the subject of their soon-to-be in-laws.

“That’s not my baby.” There was no way I could say that and not sound like an asshole. The crowd confirmed that.

“We’ll let the test determine that. Are you bear enough to take one?”

I went over to Suzanne. She wasn’t as small as her daughter, and her eyes widened as I approached. My bear was going crazy inside me, wanting to come out, but a shift would only make this worse. “You have no idea how bear I am.”

“We will get this settled. Immediately if not sooner,” Bibi said and turned to the crowd. “This didn’t end exactly as we planned, but I guarantee we will have a gorgeous mating ceremony for you soon, no matter what scoop Suzanne claims to have.”

She nodded to Hugo, who was standing at the back of the stage, along with Jackson Hunter and a couple of new guys from the security team. Poor Hugo looked like he was about to go furry, and damn if I didn’t know exactly how he felt. They stalked toward Suzanne, who put her hands up in protest, but she left the stage.

Courtney looked back at me, hugging the baby tighter against her shoulder. She looked so sad, and I felt terrible for her. Not because I’d rejected this ridiculous claim but because she’d gotten caught in Suzanne’s web.

Bibi motioned for me to follow her and Marissa.

My parents were at the bottom of the stairs, looking heartbroken and confused.

“Bjorn, is it true?” my mom asked.

I shook my head and sunk into one of the director’s chairs. “No. None of it’s true. I was hoping you wouldn’t meet Suzanne Marlowe—”

“What do you mean, you were hoping they wouldn’t meet my mother?” Marissa crossed her arms. “How did you think you were gonna pull that off if you had actually planned to ask me to be your mate?”

“You have to understand why I wouldn’t want them to meet Suzanne.” I shook my head, unable to fathom how Marissa could still even feel a shred of loyalty toward that woman. “I thought I’d fixed this problem.”

Marissa raised a brow. “What problem did you think you fixed?”

“Let’s all take a breather before we all say things we don’t mean.” Thank the moon for Beebs. She was probably the only thing keeping this situation from completely imploding. “We can fix this. Bjorn, you did go out with Courtney?”

My dad’s gaze was fixed squarely on me. He was horrified, disappointed, and all the things I’d never wanted to make him think about me. He expected better out of me, and even though this claim was complete bullshit, it would take me some time to regain his trust.

I’d never forgive Suzanne for that.

“I did. It was a mistake from the start. I wanted company, and she wanted a lot more than that.”

“Company.” Marissa rolled her eyes. “Is there any chance you’re actually that baby’s dad?”

“I don’t think so.”

Bibi nodded. “Are you willing to take a paternity test?”

“Of course I am.” I raked my fingers through my hair. “But I’m worried Suzanne will figure out a way to get a bogus result.”

That sounded so much worse out loud than it did in my head.

“Is that even possible?” my mom asked.

“I have no idea.” I sighed. “We get our own test and make sure she has nothing to do with the results. I don’t care if I have to sit in that lab the whole time they process the damn thing.”

Marissa shook her head. “Here’s the thing. There’s something familiar about that Courtney woman, and I can’t put my finger on what.”

“Same,” Bibi said.

Marissa raised her brows. “Okay, I was thinking maybe I’d seen her in LA, but if you think so too, can we go do some research on her?”

“I’ve already done a search on her name.” Tina held up her tablet. “Suzanne’s managed to flood the search with claims that you’re the father of her baby. I’m sure there’s history on her, but it will take me a while to dig through the muck to find it.”

“I want to search the show records,” Marissa said. “Shall we move this meeting to my office?”
