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“We’re not casting for another episode.” I hugged Colleen. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Why don’t we head over to your trailer so you can finish getting ready, and we’ll talk about all of this more after your ceremony.”

* * *

Once the ladies helped me get into my dress and the photographer took pictures, it was time to head to the mountains. I sat next to Colleen in the van. She was quiet, probably a bit overwhelmed. I kept catching her looking at me like she couldn’t believe I was real. The feeling was familiar because I felt the same way.

“We chose this spot for the ceremony because this is where Bjorn’s pack will build their village,” I said. “It’s not a year-round solution, but it will give them a home base, which they haven’t had. Where do you live?”

“In the San Bernardino Mountains,” she said. “We have a small pack, nothing like what you’ve got here. I’d love for you to come visit.”

“Definitely.” I couldn’t wait to meet my actual relatives. I looked at Suzanne, hoping she didn’t feel bad that Colleen and I had instantly bonded. But for the first time in a long time, the woman I’d always thought was my mother looked truly happy. Free. Like she didn’t have to keep secrets anymore.

Tina turned off the road onto the rocky road that led up to the village. Cars were parked on either side of the narrow road, including the other Mating Game van.

“Bjorn’s crew is already here,” Tina said.

My big bear looked so handsome, even from my distant vantage point through the van’s windshield. I pointed him out to Colleen, even though a giant man in a tux pretty much ruled out everyone else.

Everyone piled out of the van, and Suzanne and Colleen stayed back to help me out. Just because it was my mating ceremony day didn’t make me tall enough to wear a long gown, so I’d gone with a short, form-fitting dress. The lace and beading accentuated my curves. It was cold up here, so I picked out a short white faux fur jacket which seemed like overkill because my body heat surged as soon as I saw Bjorn.

I’d never felt anything like it before.

“You’re not supposed to see him—” Suzanne called after me, but I waved her off as I grabbed Colleen’s hand and went over to Bjorn.

“Hi,” I pressed my lips together, but I couldn’t stop the smile from coming. “We’re getting married today.”

It wasn’t the first time I’d thought this, but seeing Bjorn in his tux and his hair and beard braided made it real: I had a mate. He’d said he was fated to me, but now I realized I definitely was fated to the big, gorgeous, infuriating bear too.

Those green eyes sparkled as he drank me in. “You look amazing.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I couldn’t lie—the tux did it for me. And I’d enjoy ripping it off him later. But right now, we were surrounded by friends and family, and I had to behave.

His gaze slid from me to Colleen.

“The most exciting thing happened.” I reached for Colleen’s hand. “This is my birth mother. Colleen, meet Bjorn. Bjorn, meet Colleen.”

He blinked several times like he wasn’t sure he heard me right.

“No way,” he finally said. “You’re the spitting image of each other.”

“That’s why we were late. Mom, I mean Suzanne—this is gonna be confusing—”

“You can call me Colleen,” my mother said. “It’ll take me a while to think of you as Marissa, too.”

“Of course.” She’d only known me through pictures and another name. “Suzanne surprised me in the trailer and introduced me to Colleen. I cried my first makeup job right off and needed a total reset. That’s why we’re late.”

Bjorn took Colleen’s hands in his. She looked so tiny next to him. “I’m so glad you get to be a part of this day with us. Hopefully, it’s the first of many.”

“I hope so too.” Colleen gave Bjorn a warm smile. She was so different from Suzanne, and I looked forward to getting to know her. “It’s so nice to meet you, Bjorn. Car—Marissa has been gushing about you all day, and I’m glad to report everything she said was true.”

Bjorn’s gaze slid to me. “I’ll have to find out what you said.”

“All good. I promise.” I grinned. “She’ll find out how maddening you can be in no time.”

He chuckled. “I’ll have to take Colleen out for coffee before she heads home. I’ve got plenty to tell her about you, too.”

Bibi sauntered over. “Are we ready for the ceremony? The guests are seated and waiting for you.”
