Page 57 of Come Back to You

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“What’s the matter?”

“Someone spray-painted the cottage door this morning. I think it was the stalker. Nate has been here already, but I thought you might want to know. You said to call if anything happened.”

My hands curled into fists. “I’m glad you let me know.” Even if it made me want to beat the crap out of someone. “How are you doing? Is Blair with you?”

“I’ve been better.” She sighed. “I’ve also been worse though. Blair is here and threatening to never let me out of his sight again.”

My tension eased. Things may be strained between Blair and me at the moment, but I trusted him to be there for whatever she needed. “Listen, I—” A siren rang through the station, and I cursed my rotten luck. “Damn it, I have to go. It’s work. Sorry.”

“Of course.” She sounded falsely cheerful. “I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”

“You too.” I hung up, still cursing. Damn. Mornings were almost always quiet. Why did today have to be different?

* * *

It wasninety minutes before I got back to the fire station and was able to check my phone to see if Kennedy had sent any updates. There were no messages from her, but there was one from Nate.

Nate:Braddock family working bee at Grace’s place tonight. We’re going to clean up the spray paint and check for any weak spots in the cottage’s security because the asshole managed to avoid being caught on camera.

I sent a quick reply.

Liam:Thanks for organizing. I’ll be there as soon as my shift ends.

I pocketed my phone and returned to duty.

The rest of the shift seemed to drag. Whether it was because of my impatience to finish, or just because it was a slow day, I didn’t know, but by the time my twelve hours were done and I clocked out, every instinct I had was screaming at me to get to Kennedy and make sure she was all right.

I drove straight to Grace’s place, noting a number of Braddock family vehicles parked along the frontage, and headed up the path to the cottages. The left one stood empty, the door open, but the right one, where Kennedy was staying, was a hive of activity. The door looked to have been freshly painted, and Grace was sitting on the top stair, clad in paint-flecked overalls. Nate and Toby were messing with the camera I’d installed on the front porch. I raised a hand to greet them as I approached.

“Hey, bro,” Toby said. “Connor couldn’t make it, and Dad is at work. The others are inside.”

I gave him a one-armed hug and did the same with Nate, then reached down to touch Grace’s shoulder. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No big deal.” Nate’s expression was dark. “It pisses me off that we haven’t got the jerk locked up yet though.”

“You’re doing the best you can. It’s not as if you have many resources.”

He scowled. “Yeah. I’d like a few more, but it’s hard to get manpower for a stalking case.”

“It’s just wrong,” Grace said. “Everyone should have a right to safety and privacy.”

“I know, Gracie.” Nate sighed. “But some fuckers just don’t understand that, especially when it comes to celebs.”

“I’m going to go see Kennedy.” I ducked past them and into the cottage, getting a strong whiff of paint from the door on the way. In the living room, Mum, Kennedy, and Summer were clustered on the couch. They all glanced up as I entered, and I met Kennedy’s eyes. The haunted look in them made my soul ache. I went to her, pulled her to her feet, and hugged the crap out of her. My lips ghosted over her temples, and I buried my face in her hair and breathed her in. She whimpered, and a shudder wracked her body.

“I’ve got you,” I murmured. “I’m so sorry this is happening.”

“It’s bullshit,” she muttered against my chest.

“I know, baby.”

We both stiffened. She tilted her face up toward me, a question in her eyes. I didn’t take the endearment back, and we gazed at each other for a long moment before someone coughed loudly.

“Liam.” Blair sounded a little friendlier than he had the other day, but not by much.

I released Kennedy and nodded at him, then forced myself to acknowledge his friend, Tyler. We’d met once before in passing, and he seemed nice enough, but I didn’t like him being around Kennedy. He was a little too handsome, and he’d spent years as a part of her life. Truth be told, even though Kennedy had assured me there was nothing romantic between them, never had been, and that Tyler had a girlfriend, I was envious because the younger man knew Kennedy in ways I didn’t.

“Big day?” Max asked, a smile creasing his face as he offered me a chocolate chip cookie from a platter on the coffee table. I took one. Where Max’s twin was a wall of muscle with close-cropped hair and a rugged complexion from spending time outdoors, Max himself was leaner, and his features were more gentle.
