Page 88 of Come Back to You

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“Don’t worry,” Mikayla said, apparently picking up on where my mind was going. “The tabloids might say they dated, but it’s not true. They’ve only ever been friends.”

I grimaced. “Am I that easy to read?”

She laughed. “Only for someone who’s been there. The idea of competing with a celebrity is intimidating.”

“We came as soon as we could,” Gray said gruffly. “Mikayla couldn’t get away from work sooner, and I couldn’t handle the thought of traveling on my own.” His cheeks flushed, and I knew there must be a story there. “You should have told us things were so bad. I wish I’d been able to help.”

Kennedy guided Gray to the sofa and touched the backs of her fingers to his forehead when he sat, perhaps checking his temperature. “There wasn’t really anything you could have done,” she told him. “Sorry if this has brought old issues to the surface for you.”

“Gray had a stalker of his own a while back,” Mikayla murmured to me by way of explanation.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Gray groused. “I’m more concerned about you. Did you really get shot?”

“Yeah,” she admitted. “But it didn’t hit anything important.”

“Thank God.”

“Can I get either of you a coffee?” I asked, finally remembering the manners Mum had drilled into me.

“Yes, please,” Mikayla said. “Maybe just for me though. I don’t think Gray needs any extra stimulation, do you, sweetheart?”

“No, thanks.” Gray flopped his head back against the armchair cushion.

I frowned, wondering what his deal was, but decided not to ask. I headed for the kitchen, surprised when Kennedy joined me a moment later.

“He has bad anxiety,” she said softly. “It manifests in agoraphobia if he tries to leave his home. He’s come a long way in the past few months. It’s incredible that he’s here at all. A year ago, he wouldn’t leave his house.”

“Wow.” I couldn’t imagine that. “Thanks for telling me. I thought he might be going through withdrawals or something.”

“I figured.” She cocked her head. “Need a hand?”

“Nah. I’ve got it covered. You go and be with them.”

“Thanks.” She smiled and returned to the living room. I finished making coffee, poured it into mugs, loaded them onto a tray, and took them through to share.

Mikayla’s eyes lit up. “That smells amazing.”

“Liam does the best coffee,” Kennedy said, a hint of pride in her voice. My chest puffed up.

“So,” Mikayla said expectantly when we were all seated with drinks. “We want to hear the full story. No leaving anything out.”

Kennedy launched into a retelling. I stayed quiet beside her, basking in her presence. Once she’d finished talking, Gray and Mikayla offered sympathy and to seek revenge against Tyler. I was pretty sure they were joking, but Mikayla’s intensity made me wonder.

At lunch, I went to Taste of Destiny to pick up food for everyone. Mum and Summer both dropped by later in the day, and the group of us talked until late enough that I invited Gray and Mikayla to stay. It was obvious Kennedy needed her friends, and I was in a mood to give her whatever she wanted.



Time passes differentlywhen I’m with you. – text message from Liam to Kennedy, sent during one of his work shifts.

Over the next month,our lives gradually went back to normal. Gray and Mikayla returned to their hometown. Blair, Mina, Joel, and Jamie flew back to Los Angeles. Tyler was remanded in custody until his trial. And Kennedy slowly healed from her ordeal. I suspected the mental and emotional trauma would stay with her, but her shoulder had improved a lot, and she’d been speaking twice weekly with Gray’s therapist.

I’d joined in on one of those sessions and reluctantly bared my soul about the panic I’d experienced when she vanished, then discussed ways we could help each other recover and move forward. It hadn’t been a pleasant experience, but I was glad we’d done it because it helped me see what headspace she was operating from and know that she understood my perspective too.

On a Saturday in late February, as summer was coming to a close, I prepared a picnic and packed it into a backpack. I’d checked with Max, and he’d given Kennedy the all clear for the hike I had planned today. My stomach was a tangle of nerves and butterflies. I couldn’t decide if I was more excited or terrified.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Kennedy asked as she came into the living room.
