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“Mack!” Arthur’s voice dragged his attention to the front porch. He stood at the top step in his ever-present denim overalls, the purple undershirt making his white hair and beard stand out even more.

A widower from a young age, Arthur had served in the Army for a lot of years, before turning a struggling cattle ranch into a successful vacation spot and horse rescue. And while no one was getting rich working here, he took care of his staff. But he was also aging, and sooner or later, he’d have to retire from the business end of things and turn control over to his general manager and foreman, Judson Marvel.

“Yes, sir.” Mack strode over to the porch, shoulders straight.

“You got the sleeping arrangements done for tomorrow?”

“A while ago. I posted it so you could take a peek, but Reyes double-checked me. It’s good.”

“Excellent. Food delivery come okay?”

Mack stifled a sigh; Judson hadn’t talked to him. “It came, but we had a slight hiccup. You under-ordered again. Three staples.”

“Well, shit.” Arthur frowned. “You checked—”

“I checked your original order against the one Juno had on him. They matched. Reyes and I went into town a bit ago to get what extra Patrice needed. You’ll see the charge on the business card.”

“I’m sorry about that. Honest mistake.”

“On flour, bacon and eggs that you’ve been ordering for ten years?”

Arthur’s shoulders slumped. Mack loved his grandfather and hated seeing him upset, but this was about the business. Arthur’s business, and they both had to protect it.

“We fixed it, but this is the third incident in four months,” Mack said. “This coming week, just let me or Judson double-check you before you send the order over. We all need a second set of eyes sometimes. Just like I had Reyes double-check me today.”

“Makes good sense. Better for business.”

“And I think the store will appreciate it. I bought out all of their bacon.”

Arthur’s eyes lit up with silent laughter. “Hopefully no one in town wants a BLT for dinner tonight.”

“They would be shit out of luck.”

“How’s our new batch of guests look?” Arthur descended the four wood steps to stand next to Mack. They had similar heights and builds, and some folks swore they saw Arthur in Mack, but Mack never could.

“Not too bad. Married couple, small family, two groups of friends and a bridal party. Sixteen total.”

“Good, good. You and Colt going out tonight?”

The abrupt conversation shift startled Mack. He’d come out to Arthur years ago, right after Arthur came out to him—gay his entire life, but hiding it for decades until he said fuck it, I’m out. Hence his purple T-shirts and the rainbow flag proudly displayed on their flagpoles each day next to the American flag and the California state flag. The Clean Slate Ranch was gay-friendly and proud of it.

“Yeah,” Mack replied. “Reyes is coming out for a change.”

“You’re never going to meet someone if all you ever do is visit bars and dance clubs.”

Mack shrugged. “I don’t want to meet anyone right now.”

“Hmm. Maybe, maybe not. Why don’t you try those dating apps on your phone?”

“What’s with the sudden urge to marry me off?” That came out with more anger than necessary. “Sorry, I just... I’m not ready.”

“It’s been nearly five years, son.”

“I know how long it’s been, believe me.” Long enough that he could think about Geoff without his heart breaking wide-open, but not long enough that he was ready to risk his heart a second time. Losing Geoff had hurt too damned much.

Arthur sighed. “Why don’t you come have dinner at the house with me and Judson tonight? Reyes and Colt, too.” Also a widower, Judson was the only person who lived in the main house with Arthur. A row of two-man cabins fifty yards north of the house was where the hands lived.

Mack could have had a cabin to himself, but he genuinely didn’t mind sharing with Reyes. He was quiet, tidy, and he’d seemed to really need the companionship when he first moved to the ranch, only a few months after Mack. “Sure, why not?” he replied. “You cooking?” Silly question, because if Arthur loved anything more than his horses, it was cooking. Even if his recipes were pretty basic.
