Page 11 of Kieran

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Unfortunately, he hadn’t backed his phone up in a while and wasn’t sure everything, including pictures, would be saved.

Brooklyn had to get his phone back.

He grabbed a steak knife from the drawer. It was a desperate move, but he had to do something. He knew that his chances of taking down a wolf with a steak knife were slim, but it was better than losing his phone.

Once again, he stepped out into the backyard, the knife held tightly in his hand. The wolf was gone. He looked around, trying to see if the animal was hiding anywhere. But there was no sign of it.

“What in the hell are you doing?” he asked himself. “You call the cops when you see a wolf, not try to take it down yourself, dumbass.”

Cautiously, he made his way back to the patio, keeping the knife at the ready. The wolf had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Had he been seeing things? Had the wolf even been there to begin with?

After he spotted his phone and ran to grab it off the grass, Brooklyn raced inside, grabbing his cup of tea first.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. Maybe he was just tired and stressed. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it than that.

“Damn you, Marcus, for putting thoughts of vampires and wolf shifters in my head.” Brooklyn tried to push the thought out of his mind. Vampires and wolf shifters didn’t exist. It was just Marcus’s overactive imagination, fueled by too many late-night horror movies and a naivety to believe asinine rumors.

But as he sat at the kitchen table, sipping his tea, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. He looked down at the marking on his hand, the one he still couldn’t explain. Maybe there was something to it, something Marcus knew that he didn’t.

He had to find Kieran. The guy might know something that could help him unravel this mystery. Brooklyn finished his tea and headed to his room, determined to get some rest.

As he climbed into bed, he couldn’t help but think about the wolf he had seen. He knew it was real, but he couldn’t explain how it had gotten there. As he closed his eyes, the image of the wolf's fierce stare filled his mind. Sleep eluded him for hours, and he tossed and turned, unable to find any peace.

Finally, exhaustion took over, and he drifted off into an uneasy sleep filled with dreams of wolves and blood.

* * * *

“We have a problem,” Amon said as he walked into Eleazar’s office. The vampire was one of Eleazar’s most elite, deadly warriors. A part of Eleazar’s inner circle.

“When do we not have a problem?” Eleazar really wasn’t in the mood. Weeks ago he’d killed his brother, Zakrem, when he found out the vampire had been the one kidnapping and killing innocent humans.

When Zakrem had threatened Felix’s life.

Eleazar’s brother might have been rotten to his core, but he’d still been family. Now Felix—a human Eleazar had helped raise—was mated to a hunter, and Eleazar wondered if he’d made the right decision as far as Zakrem went.

Felix had mated the enemy, and Eleazar’s brother was dead. How could he make sense of this when it had cost him his own flesh and blood?

Amon cleared his throat. “With Fayez gone, his coven is running wild, a threat to our way of life.”

Eleazar curled his lip. He’d called his secret weapon, a hunter named Luka to take care of Fayez, just to keep Felix safe. Felix had been Eleazar’s vulnerability, and now Eleazar was paying the price for his weakness.

But he knew he couldn’t just sit back and let this happen. He had to take action before it was too late. “Have those causing trouble tracked and killed. Spread the word that chaos will not be tolerated.”

If a new leader didn’t emerge to take over Fayez’s coven, things would only get worse. Why hadn’t Fayez’s second taken over? Where was Nelo in all of this?

“Yes, sir,” Amon said, bowing and exiting the room.

Eleazar leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The last thing he needed was more anarchy in his city.

He closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain that seemed to be constantly swirling around him. Ever since Zakrem’s death, Eleazar had been struggling to keep himself together. He had always been the one in control, the one who held all the power, but now he felt like he was losing his grip.

As Eleazar sat there, his thoughts wandered to Felix. He couldn’t shake the feeling of betrayal and hurt that lingered deep inside him. He had trusted Felix, had treated him like family. But now, he had mated a hunter, someone who had been raised to kill vampires.

Eleazar couldn’t understand why Felix would do something like that. Did he not care about the consequences of his actions? Eleazar felt a bitter anger welling up inside of him.

Intellectually, he was fully aware that no one had a choice when it came to mates, not even vampires, but that didn’t stop his anger from growing.

Eleazar roared in rage, and with one powerful swipe of his arm, he sent the contents of his desk scattering to the floor. He’d protected a hunter, had made sure that not only was Felix safe but that mangy pack of wolves, too.
