Page 19 of Kieran

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Brooklyn’s eyes were clearer this time, and he was a little more lucid. “What happened?”

“You were attacked by a vampire.” Kieran took a deep breath then explained what had happened. As much as he knew, anyway.

“It’s all a bit foggy.” His mate touched his neck. “I felt uneasy after I left my client’s loft, so I hurried up, trying to make it to my car.” He shook his head. “I remember turning around, and then everything happened so fast.” His mate yawned. “I’m so sleepy.”

“Rest then.” Kieran pressed a kiss to his mate’s forehead.

Brooklyn was asleep again before Kieran could say anything else. He pulled out his phone and called Felix. “Mind coming to my room for a second?”

Felix was there before he could give Kieran an answer. They guy must’ve been hovering outside in the hallway.

“Can you sit with Brooklyn?”

“Are you going to find the bastard who did this?” Felix face was a mask of rage. “If you are, I’ll gladly sit with him.”

“Thanks.” Kieran shook his head. “I swear you constantly amaze me. For a human.”

“That’s because I’m so damn fabulous.” Felix grinned. “Indispensable, for a human.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Kieran’s mouth. “Yes, you are, brat.”

Felix pulled out his phone then flopped down in the chair next to the bed. “Go get the guy who did this. I’ll just play my game until either Brooklyn wakes up or you get back.”

Kieran started for his bedroom door.


He turned. “Yeah?”

“Be careful and come back to us in one piece.”

“You’re just saying that because you love arguing with me, especially over pie.” Kieran chuckled, glad his mood was lifted a little as he walked out of the room in search of Cable and Logan.

He stalked through the house, his rage roiling inside like an inferno, ready to consume anything in its path. He had one goal. Find the vampire responsible for nearly killing his mate and make him pay. Tonight Kieran would hunt.

Chapter Six

Brooklyn woke up slowly. His tongue felt thick and dry. When he opened his eyes, the light stung for a second, and then he adjusted to the brightness. He heard a noise to his left, and when Brooklyn moved his head slightly, he saw Kieran standing next to the bed.

“Hey, sweetheart.” Kieran smiled as he sat on the bed and brushed his fingers through Brooklyn’s hair. “I was just getting ready to wake you.”

“What time is it?” Brooklyn asked softly.

“A little after noon.”

Holy crap. Had he really slept that long? He recalled seeing an IV in his arm, but now it was gone. He also was missing his shirt. Brooklyn stared down at his bare chest then glanced up at Kieran. “Where’re my clothes?”

“Your shirt was bloody. I tossed it out.” Kieran rubbed his thumb over the back of Brooklyn’s hand as he held it. “How do you feel?”

“Much better.” Brooklyn didn’t want to think about what happened last night. It had been terrifying, and he was lucky to be alive. If he hadn’t acted so quickly, spraying that vampire in the face, he probably would have died.

“You slept most of the day.”

“I need a shower.” Brooklyn tried to sit up, but Kieran’s hand on his chest stopped him. The warmth of the contact seeped inside him, helping to ground him.

“You have to eat something first.”

“Not hungry.”
