Page 20 of Kieran

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“Brooklyn.” Kieran’s green eyes filled with concern. “You have to eat something, or you’ll be weak.”

“I’m weak because I’m hungry?” Brooklyn laughed then winced when his head hurt.

“You need to hydrate as well. I’ll get something for you to drink.” Kieran got up and walked out of the room.

Brooklyn rubbed his eyes then pushed his hair from his face. He carefully touched the part of his neck where the vampire had sunk in his fangs and, to his astonishment, didn’t feel anything. As far as he could tell, there weren’t any holes or anything else to indicate what happened.

In fact, his skin felt smooth under his fingers.

Pushing the covers back, Brooklyn got up and looked around. Kieran’s room was a symphony of color. The sage-colored walls were offset by the cream-colored curtains billowing in the afternoon breeze, while the dark green comforter on his full-sized bed seemed to blend right into the thick plush carpet beneath his feet. Brooklyn opened one door and gasped at the sheer size of Kieran’s closet, filled to the brim with neatly hung clothing and rows of shoes lined up like little soldiers. Behind the other door he found a bathroom that smelled fresh and inviting.

He stepped up to the mirror and gazed at his neck. There wasn’t even a spot of blood to show him that last night actually happened. His skin held no marks, not even a tiny pinprick.

Kieran walked in and stood behind Brooklyn. Brooklyn saw their reflections, noting how much taller the guy was. His hair was cut short and stylish, and his beard was well-trimmed.

It was the guy’s green eyes that held Brooklyn captive.

He also smelled so good. The scent was like a drug to him. Each breath drew him in deeper, making him want more.

“Hey.” Kieran cleared his throat. “I have some water here for you.”

“Thanks.” Brooklyn turned and accepted the glass of water. He downed it in one gulp.

“Slow down.” Kieran took the glass back. “You need to take it easy.”

“Now I’m starving.” Brooklyn wiped the moisture from his lips. “Can you get me a pizza?”

Kieran scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not ordering a pizza. You’ll eat something healthy.”

“But...” Brooklyn groaned. “Pizza is delicious.”

“And it’ll make you sick.” Kieran moved close then pressed a kiss to Brooklyn’s lips. “Trust me. You don’t want to push yourself this soon.”

“Fine. I’m only letting you boss me around because you’re hot.” He had to stop himself from stomping his foot in protest. “What am I having?”

“I’ve made you a steak with mashed potatoes plus an apple and some cheese.” Kieran kissed Brooklyn again. “If you eat all that, I’ll let you have some pie.”

Brooklyn wanted to debate the pizza thing, but Kieran was obviously set on this healthy food thing. The guy had won this round, but Brooklyn was getting that pizza for dinner.

Kieran took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. Brooklyn spotted the tray of food on the dresser and had to stop himself from lunging toward it. He really was starving.

“You were only gone a few minutes. How did you cook steak that fast?”

“I cooked it right before I came into the room to wake you,” Kieran said. “It’s still hot and delicious.”

They sat on the bed, and Kieran fed Brooklyn small pieces of steak, making sure he chewed each one thoroughly. Brooklyn gladly accepted the apple and cheese then devoured the mashed potatoes. It felt good to eat something substantial after being so weak before.

“Wow.” Brooklyn patted his stomach. “That was amazing.”

“Good.” Kieran smiled. “I like cooking for you.”

“I can tell.” Brooklyn leaned in and kissed Kieran. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“Always.” Kieran kissed him back, then stood up. “I’m going to take the tray downstairs. Do you need anything else?”


Kieran rolled his eyes. “I see you have a one-track mind.”
