Page 21 of Kieran

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Brooklyn watched him leave then lay back and closed his eyes. His mind began to drift, replaying the events of last night. He thought about how close he had come to death and shuddered.

“Brooklyn?” Kieran’s voice startled him.

“Huh?” He opened his eyes and saw Kieran standing there. Had he fallen asleep? Either he’d dozed or Kieran was the fastest man on the planet.

“I asked if you wanted to take a shower now or later?” Kieran’s voice was filled with amusement.

“Uh, now is good.” Brooklyn sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, I must have dozed off.”

“It’s fine.” Kieran walked toward the door. “I’ll go grab you some clothes. You and Felix are about the same size, and I’m sure he won’t mind.”

Once Kieran was gone, Brooklyn made his way to the bathroom. He stood in the shower, letting the hot water soothe his aching muscles. He breathed in the steam and let his mind wander, trying not to think about the vampire attack. He was grateful to be alive and even more grateful that Kieran had saved him.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, shuddering at the thought of that vampire finding him again.

A hand touched his shoulder, making Brooklyn jump. He turned around and saw Kieran standing there, holding out a towel.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” Kieran smiled at him. “I wasn’t sure if you knew where the towels were.”

“Thanks. Can you just set it on the counter?”

Kieran hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “I know you don’t want to talk about last night, but I need to ask. Do you remember anything else about the vampire?”

Brooklyn shook his head. “No, I don’t. I remember he wore a hood that concealed most of his face, then he attacked. I got him with my pepper spray before he killed me, and then I woke up here.”

“Pepper spray?”

Brooklyn nodded. “Right in his face.”

Kieran burst out laughing. He looked at Brooklyn with tears in his eyes. “I think you might be the first to do that.”

“It worked!”

“Which surprises me.” Kieran leaned against the wall. “It also worries me. This vampire might come after you again. We need to find out who he is and whether he’s targeting you or if this was just a random attack.”

Brooklyn wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower. He could see the concern etched on Kieran’s face, and he knew that the man was worried for his safety. Hell, Brooklyn was worried for his own safety. He never wanted to experience anything like that again.

Kieran’s expression softened, and he reached out to stroke Brooklyn’s cheek. “You’re not alone in this, Brooklyn. You’ve got your very own wolf to protect you.”

“You can’t be around me all the time, Kieran. I have a life, a business to run.”

“I tried to hunt the guy down from his scent. I scoured the city but didn’t have any luck.”

“See!” Brooklyn rubbed the heels of his hands against his eyes. “I’m not safe anymore, but I tell you what. I’m going to carry three cans of pepper spray from now on.”

“Now you’re trying to give me a heart attack,” Kieran groaned. “Don’t you dare go looking for this guy.”

“Oh, I’m not.” Brooklyn moved past Kieran and headed back into the bedroom. “I wish there was a neon sign above all vampires’ heads to indicate what they were.”

Kieran grinned. “You and me both. That would make hunting them down a lot easier.”

If Brooklyn never ran into another vampire, it would be too soon. Now more than ever he wanted to tell Marcus what was going on. He hadn’t before because he thought he wasn’t allowed, but he didn’t want his friend caught unaware.

When he glanced up at Kieran, he noticed the way the guy was looking at him. There was pure heat in his eyes. Brooklyn felt his body respond, even though he was still recovering from the attack. Kieran walked toward him, his movements slow and deliberate. He reached out to touch Brooklyn’s shoulder, his fingers trailing down the length of his arm. Brooklyn shivered under his touch.

“I know you’re still recovering,” Kieran whispered, “but I want you so badly.”

Brooklyn wanted to, but he wasn’t sure if he was up for a round of sex. Not after just recovering from a vampire attack. He was also still confused on what to do about this whole mating thing.
