Page 25 of Kieran

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Kieran glanced at the man who was blocking his path. The guy was a wolf, and his brown eyes were hard as steel. Kieran could sense the man’s power, but he also sensed that the wolf wasn’t too happy about his presence.

At least it wasn’t the bouncer from last time.

“Did you need to see the boss?” The guy’s voice was hard, his gaze unforgiving.

“I’m here about a job.” That was the first thing to pop into Kieran’s head.

“Who said we were hiring?” The wolf's gaze narrowed. “Why do you look so familiar?”

“I just got that kind of mug.” Kieran shrugged.

“Stay right here.” The guy pointed to the floor. “I’ll see if Kellam is really hiring.”

As soon as the bouncer walked away, Kieran hauled ass to the back and let Cable and Logan inside. They searched the rooms, but the vampire wasn’t there.

“Let’s head out before Mr. Personality comes back.” Kieran headed for the rear exit but didn’t make it in time. Two hulking men stopped them. One was the guy who’d asked what Kieran was doing there.

“I knew you were trouble, Kieran,” the bouncer said. “Knew you looked familiar, so instead of getting my boss, I got help.”

“You needed help with me?” Kieran scoffed.

“No, dumbass. The last time you showed up here, you brought friends. I heard about what happened, and if you don’t want a repeat, you’re gonna tell me why you snuck in.”

“Let’s do this.” Cable rolled his shoulders.

“No, wait.” Kieran held up a hand. “My mate was attacked last night, nearly drained. I’m looking for the vampire responsible.”

Sometimes it was better to make someone your ally than your enemy.

“For real?” the guy asked.

“Damn near drank all his blood. I’m thinking it’s someone from Fayez’s coven.”

The guy shook his head, while the other bouncer cautiously watched them. “No, we don’t let his coven in here, not since Fayez went missing. They think they don’t have to answer to anyone anymore, and our boss isn’t having it.”

“Try Ancient Ruins,” the other bouncer chimed in. “It’s a seedy place that doesn’t care who parties there, as long as the money is good. A lot of Fayez’s people have drifted there. The place was already a shithole, but it’s gotten a lot worse lately.”

“Is your mate okay?” the first bouncer asked.

“He’s recovering.” Kieran shook the guy’s hand. “Thanks for asking and for not being too much of a dick that I snuck in here.”

“Name’s Danny, and this is my cousin, Ramon. We know how important a mate is, and if you ask me, they should be off-limits.”

Ramon nodded.

“Agreed,” Cable said, and then he and Logan introduced themselves.

“You’re the guy Seamus knocked unconscious,” Ramon said. “Heard about that. The guy was a piece of shit anyway. I’m glad he was fired for harassing the women who partied here. Scum like that should be neutered.”

Kieran winced, instinctively wanting to cover his groin. “Thanks for your help, guys. And your concern.”

They left, stepping into the evening sun.

“One club down, so many to go.” Logan slipped his sunglasses on. “Shall we get to it? My delicate sense can’t take this heat.”

Kieran chuckled. “You’re so full of shit.”

Logan grinned. “True, but I’m fun to be around.”
