Page 26 of Kieran

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“I don’t know.” Kieran laughed. “I’ve seen you in action. You aren’t nearly as fun as you think you are.”

* * * *

Eleazar waited until full dark before leaving his home once more. He was taking a chance by showing himself, but he refused to let Fayez’s coven terrorize the city. Ever since Fayez had been “dealt with,” his coven had lost their minds.

The terror was going to stop, even if Eleazar had to kill every last vampire in Ridgeway. He only wished that he could. Well, he could, if he wanted to bring Benicio’s wrath down on his head. Even Eleazar hesitated when it came to the oldest vampire in existence.

Benicio didn’t live in Ridgeway, but he would make the trip if the vampires were being killed without warrant.

Eleazar walked past the storefronts, his footsteps silent as he looked for Fayez’s coven. Too bad he hadn’t thought of the fallout before he’d paid to have Fayez eliminated. Someone had to have tried to take over the coven, but if someone had, so far Eleazar hadn’t heard about it.

Now he missed Zakrem even more. His brother had been damn good at keeping his finger on the pulse of the city. Zakrem had known all of Ridgeway’s secrets and would have had knowledge of who was trying to assert himself as the new leader.

But that was something Eleazar didn’t need to dwell on. He had to find the one who wanted the responsibility of Fayez’s position and help that person step into power before Ridgeway lay in ruins.

* * * *

“I knew it!” Marcus paced Brooklyn’s small kitchen, his hands tucked into his slacks. “So let me get this straight. That mark means you’re mated to a wolf shifter, and you were attacked by some random vampire who nearly drained you dry?”

“That about sums it up.” Brooklyn grabbed a bottle of wine from his fridge. The only other thing in there was a yogurt and a box of baking soda. He really did need to do some grocery shopping. “You can’t tell anyone about this, Marcus.”

“You just dropped the bomb of a lifetime in my lap and I have to keep it to myself?” Marcus whined. “You’re so unfair.”

“I’m serious, Marcus. This isn’t some game. I could have died. Imagine what will happen to you if anyone supernatural knows that you’re aware of their existence.” Brooklyn poured two glasses of wine and handed one to his friend. “No gossiping about this. I only told you because I want you aware of the danger.”

“I won’t say a word to anyone. I promise.” Marcus took a sip of his wine. “But damn, Brooklyn. You’ve got to do something about this. You can’t just sit around and wait for the next attack. Maybe you should talk to some of the other shifters in town. They might be able to help you out.” His eyes lit up. “And you should totally take me with you.”

“What am I, a detective?” Brooklyn stared wide-eyed at Marcus. “You aren’t catching me wandering the streets after dark. One attack was enough for me, thanks.”

Marcus chuckled. “Fair enough, but you have to do something. You can’t just sit and wait for this vampire dude to come after you again. And if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

“You’re dying to meet one of them.”

“Your point?” Marcus’s grin widened. “I want a hot wolf shifter for myself. Does Kieran have any brothers?”

“He has an entire pack, but you have to be a mate...I think. Maybe you could get laid if you batted your thick eyelashes at one of them. I saw twins at his house. You could make yourself a Marcus sandwich.”

“Ugh, no thanks. I tried dating twins before, and they took great pleasure in confusing me on which one was which.”

Brooklyn frowned. “I’m not seeing the problem.”

“Are you serious?” Marcus placed a hand on his chest. “It was a headache. Besides, they liked playing a lot of mind games. I’m an adult, not a kid. I don’t do games.” He wiggled his brows. “Unless we’re naked.”

“Perv.” Brooklyn chuckled. “Order us a pizza while I use the bathroom.”

Brooklyn was determined to have one regardless of Kieran wanting him to eat healthy. Though he had to admit, that steak had been perfect.

“With the works,” Marcus said.

“No, no way.” Brooklyn shook his head. “No anchovies or anything spicy and definitely no pineapples.”

“Pineapples are awesome on pizza,” Marcus argued. “Sweet and salty. The best combination.”

“Then get them on your half.” Brooklyn headed to the bathroom and closed the door, leaning against the wood. He didn’t want to admit how badly he missed Kieran.

Was he going down that path again? Like he had with Blaine? Brooklyn had given up so much of who he was to make Blaine happy, and he didn’t want to do that with Kieran.

But Kieran had already proven he was different. First, the guy was a wolf shifter. But most importantly, he’d been there when Brooklyn needed him. Kieran had saved his life.
