Page 27 of Kieran

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Blaine would have just called the cops and told Brooklyn to call him later. Swear. That was what his jerk of an ex would have done.

Kieran was supposed to come over tonight. Brooklyn didn’t want to start the whole “spending every available moment” thing with another guy. He liked his freedom, liked not having to answer to anyone.

Only Kieran had said they were mated…forever.

And yet, he was still giving Brooklyn his space. So why did Brooklyn want to see him so badly if Kieran was giving him what he wanted?

* * * *

Kieran and Logan had checked several clubs already, but there was still no sign of the guy who’d attacked Brooklyn. They decided to take a break and sit at a bar to grab a drink. Cable had ditched them two nightclubs ago, stating he had something personal to take care of.

The place was dimly lit, with a few people scattered around. Kieran sipped his beer, his eyes scanning the room.

“What’s the plan if we don’t find him?” Logan took a swig from the bottle in his hand.

Kieran shrugged. “We keep looking. I’m not giving up until we find him.”

Logan nodded, but before he could speak, a group of vampires walked in, their eyes locking onto the two shifters. Kieran tensed, ready to defend himself if necessary.

But to his surprise, the group walked straight past them, heading toward the back of the bar. Kieran watched them for a moment before turning back to Logan.

“Let’s follow them,” he said, finishing his beer and tossing some cash onto the counter. “I need to get their scents.”

“Dude, there’s about six of them. If they turn on us, we’re fucked.”

“There you go being all delicate again.”

“Keep calling me that and I’ll let them eat you,” Logan grumbled as the two of them got up and followed the vampires to the back. Kieran heard whispered voices coming from the men’s room.

He motioned for Logan to stay in the hallway as he slowly pushed open the bathroom door.

Inside, he saw two vampires with a human, their fangs bared and ready to feed. The human’s eyes were glazed over, and he was swaying on his feet.

This was the exact reason he’d become a hunter in the first place. It was one thing to simply feed. Kieran got that and wouldn’t deny anyone their existence. It was something else entirely when vampires ganged up on a human, like they were doing now, or killing innocent people.

He lunged forward, his speed catching the vampires off guard. He grabbed the human and pulled him away, shielding him from the vampires’ reach.

“Run,” Kieran growled, pushing the human toward the door. The human stumbled out, and Kieran turned to face the vampires, his claws extended.

“Well, well, well,” one of the vampires sneered. “What do we have here? A mutt trying to interfere in our business?”

Kieran narrowed his eyes. “I’m looking for the vampire who attacked my mate.”

“Mate?” The vampire laughed. “What kind of shifter would mate with a human? It’s like mating a cheeseburger. They’re food, nothing more.” He narrowed his eyes. “And you just let my food get away.”

Kieran growled. “He’s not food. He’s someone’s brother, someone’s son. And I won’t let you hurt him.”

The vampires snarled, their fangs glistening in the dim light. Kieran took a step forward, his muscles coiled and ready to attack. But before he could make a move, Logan burst into the bathroom, his own claws extended.

“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a party.” Logan grinned. The vampires hesitated, glancing nervously at each other before lunging forward.

Logan and Kieran fought side by side, their movements fluid and coordinated. The vampires were no match for them, and within minutes, the bathroom was a mess of broken tiles and blood. Normally he would have killed them for ganging up on a human, but they were in a human bar and Kieran didn’t want the police involved.

Tonight, those bastards got a free pass.

Kieran panted, wiping sweat from his forehead as he watched the vampires retreat, their forms disappearing out the door. He turned to Logan, his eyes meeting the other shifter’s.

“Fucking cowards. They just don’t make bloodsuckers the way they used to.”
