Page 32 of Kieran

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“I see living in the city has destroyed your manners,” Blaine huffed.

Wait. How did Blaine know where Brooklyn had moved?

“Why are you calling me?”

“You’ve ignored all my text messages except the last one,” Blaine whined. “I’m worried about you.”

“You’re worried about me?” Brooklyn wished his ex could see his hard eye roll. “You’re so full of shit, Blaine. When have you ever been worried about me? You were all about yourself.”

“How have you been?” Blaine asked, ignoring Brooklyn’s sarcasm. Just like he ignored most of what Brooklyn had said to him when they were together.

He also ignored the fact that Brooklyn had told him to drop dead.

Blaine’s concern felt so fake, and Brooklyn was beyond caring about the jerk. Fine, if Blake wanted to harass him, Brooklyn would give him something to stew about.

“Why don’t you ask Kieran instead? You can come over and have dinner with us.”

“Who’s Kieran?” Blaine’s voice had gone from sweet to dripping with acid. Brooklyn knew Blaine couldn’t keep up the concerned pretense for too long.

“My boyfriend,” Brooklyn said, smiling to himself. If his ex could cheat with every female in Clover, then Brooklyn could rub Kieran in the smug bastard’s face.

Blaine’s silence spoke volumes, but he didn’t keep quiet for long, though.

“I can’t believe you,” Blaine said when he finally found his voice. “You always were a slut.”

“No. You’re the one who cheated, and this conversation is over. Don’t ever call me again.” Brooklyn hung up. He was so over Blaine. The guy could fall off a cliff for all Brooklyn cared.

He jumped when a knock sounded on his door. Brooklyn got up and swung the door open, only to find Blaine standing there. Fuck. He should have checked the peephole first because creeps always came out at night.

“How in the fuck did you know where I lived?” Brooklyn demanded.

“I put a tracer on your phone a while ago.” Blaine barged in, shoving past Brooklyn like he had every right to invite himself inside, then slammed the door closed behind him. “Tell me who in the hell this Kieran guy is.”

“It’s no longer any of your business what I do or who I see.”

Blaine’s features darkened. Brooklyn had never seen him this angry. Maybe he should have kept the whole boyfriend thing to himself, but Brooklyn hadn’t cared and still didn’t.

“It’s over between us, because I’m not the one who cheated. You are!”

Blaine shoved Brooklyn up against the wall, his hand around his throat. “It’s over when I say it’s over. Pack your shit and come home, or I’ll make you pay for what you did.”

Blaine had never threatened him like this before. Brooklyn was beyond shocked, but he also didn’t doubt for a second that his ex would hurt him. Men like Blaine didn’t like when they couldn’t get their way and especially didn’t like losing.

Blaine had been the quarterback at their high school and lived in the richer part of Clover. To this day Brooklyn knew for a fact that Blaine’s daddy had paid for that house and given his son everything he wanted or needed.

Except a personality.

“Get your hands off me,” Brooklyn choked out. He honestly feared for his life. He’d never seen Blaine so unhinged.

Blaine’s fingers squeezed around Brooklyn’s throat tight enough for him to see sparks of light. Brooklyn’s heart pounded in his ears as he struggled to breathe against the crushing hand. Tears formed in his eyes as he tried to fend Blaine off, but his ex was too strong.

“You’re coming home.” Blaine squeezed harder.

Brooklyn gasped for air. His vision was starting to blur as he clawed at Blaine’s hand. That he couldn’t breathe was almost as terrifying as the prospect of dying. He needed to fight back before he blacked out.

He got a lucky break when Blaine stumbled backward, losing his balance when he tried to reach for something. Brooklyn fell on top of him, his fist connecting with his ex’s face.

Blaine’s nose gushed blood, but that didn’t stop him from kicking Brooklyn off and jumping on him. He tried to pin Brooklyn down, but this time, Brooklyn fought back. Blaine took a nasty punch to the ribs, and Brooklyn was able to shove him away. He stood, trying to catch his breath while he watched his ex struggle to his feet.
