Page 4 of Kieran

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Kieran slipped from the shadows and entered Club Lure. The thumping bass and strobing lights of the dance floor assaulted his senses as he made his way through the throng of people—some dancing, others chatting in small groups.

All he had to do was find the vampire he was hunting.

Kieran had come across a fresh kill a few blocks away and was led to the nearby club by the killer’s scent. He scanned the crowd, his enhanced senses picking up on the heightened heartbeats and the unique scent of vampires, as well as wolf shifters and humans.

Club Lure was the hottest place in the city. All were welcome there, just as long as no one caused any problems. The club had three bouncers who put a stop to trouble, so Kieran had to be careful.

Last time he was here, he remembered all too well being blindsided by the giant bouncer who lurked at the door. Thankfully, he didn’t see him anywhere this time.

Kieran shook off the memory and refocused on his mission. He wandered around the club, keeping his eyes peeled for any suspicious activity and the scent that still clung to his nostrils.

Something caught his attention.

Kieran watched, curious. The guy’s movements were sensual, almost hypnotic. And he was undeniably attractive. He was slim, with a head full of blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

Kieran felt a strong attraction toward him, but he couldn’t let himself get distracted. He needed to find the vampire before he hurt anyone else.

Yet Kieran couldn’t rip his gaze away from the stranger. As if sensing Kieran’s gaze on him, the man turned and locked eyes with him. The intensity of his blue eyes sent a shiver down Kieran’s spine.

The man’s hips swayed to the music as he navigated through the crowd. As he came within arm’s reach, Kieran brushed a lock of hair away from his face. “Can I help you with something?”

The twink smiled, revealing perfect white teeth. “Just admiring the view,” he cooed, his voice as soft and gentle as velvet.

Fuck. How was Kieran supposed to turn away when the guy was so damn gorgeous and inviting? He knew he couldn’t lose sight of why he was there, but the stranger’s words and the way he looked at him made Kieran feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

“I’m Brooklyn,” the man said, extending his hand.

Kieran hesitated for a moment before shaking it. “Kieran.”

Brooklyn’s touch sent a shockwave through him, and Kieran had to fight to keep his canines from extending.

“Do you want to dance?”

Before Kieran could think better of what he was doing, he found himself nodding. Brooklyn led him to the dance floor, where all Kieran could focus on was the way Brooklyn moved against him and how perfect their bodies fit together to the pulsing beat of the music.

As they danced, Kieran scanned the crowd, searching for any signs of the vampire he was after. But he couldn’t concentrate, not with Brooklyn’s hands on him, pulling him closer.

Kieran knew he was making a mistake, but he couldn’t resist the human’s allure. Brooklyn was like a drug, addictive and intoxicating, and Kieran couldn’t help but succumb to his touch. He had forgotten what it was like to be close to someone, to feel another body against his.

The music slowed to a sultry beat, and Brooklyn leaned in closer to Kieran, his lips hovering just a breath away from his neck. Kieran’s eyes fluttered closed as Brooklyn trailed kisses down his neck, making him forget why he was there in the first place.

They were lost in their own little world, the music and the crowd fading away as they moved together as one. Kieran could feel Brooklyn’s heat, smell his desire, and it was driving him wild.

Then Brooklyn’s lips grazed the shell of Kieran’s ear. “Do you want to take this to one of the back rooms?”

Hell yeah. He took the guy’s hand and led him through the crowd. As soon as they were in one of the back rooms, Kieran locked the door so they wouldn’t be interrupted.

Brooklyn pressed Kieran against the wall, his lips finding Kieran’s neck again. Kieran moaned as Brooklyn nipped at his skin, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

He grabbed Brooklyn’s hair, pulling him closer. It had been so long since he had let himself feel anything, and it made his wolf growl.

Brooklyn’s hands roamed over Kieran’s body, exploring every inch. Kieran couldn’t get enough of him. The way Brooklyn’s hands felt on him, the way his lips tasted, it was all intoxicating.

Brooklyn pushed Kieran against the wall, his body pressed against his as he whispered in his ear. “I want you, Kieran.”

Kieran’s heart raced as he looked into Brooklyn’s eyes. He could see the desire there, feel it in the way Brooklyn touched him, and smell it in the air around them.

Without another word, they shed their clothes, each of them hungry for the other. Kieran felt like he was on fire as Brooklyn’s hands moved over his skin, igniting a passion within him.
