Page 40 of Kieran

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Kieran growled against Brooklyn’s skin. He wrapped his hand around Brooklyn’s, and together they stroked Brooklyn’s cock. It was the most erotic thing ever.

“I’m going to come,” Brooklyn gasped when Kieran started to move inside him.

“Yes. Do it.” Kieran captured Brooklyn’s mouth in a hot, hard kiss. The kiss didn’t last. They were too caught up in what they were doing.

“Oh, God, yes.” Brooklyn cried out and came so hard that he saw stars.

Kieran thrust his hips, his movements frenzied and wild. Then he groaned, his body shaking as he came deep inside Brooklyn. This had been quick but still hot and heavy. Brooklyn would take Kieran any way he could get him.

“I love you, Brooklyn.” Kieran nuzzled the side of Brooklyn’s head.

“I love you, too.” Brooklyn didn’t care how cheesy it sounded. “More than I ever thought possible.”

They collapsed, then Kieran pulled Brooklyn close and spooned him, burying his face in Brooklyn’s neck. Brooklyn loved feeling Kieran’s breath on his skin, loved feeling cocooned against the man.

“Good,” Kieran whispered. “Because I love you just as much.”

Brooklyn sighed in contentment, his eyes sliding closed. He could stay like this forever.

“We should get up and start getting ready,” Kieran said.

“Why?” Brooklyn snuggled closer.

“Because it’s Saturday morning, and I’m taking you out to breakfast,” Kieran said.

“Mmm. Sounds good. I’m in.” Brooklyn flipped over and nuzzled Kieran’s neck. He closed his eyes, and for the first time in forever, he felt so safe and so loved.

Brooklyn smiled. Life was good.

* * * *

Eleazar stepped into Club Lure. He’d been told this perverse place was where he could find Nelo, Fayez’s second-in-command. The club was packed with writhing bodies on the dance floor. The lights were too bright for Eleazar as he walked along a cleared path through the middle of the crowd. Vampire, shifter, and human alike moved together to the pulse of some primal rhythm, bodies undulating visually in his direction.

The desire to extend his fangs in the presence of so many humans was strong, but Eleazar wasn’t there to quench his thirst or his body’s need.

He had come to find out exactly what Nelo was up to. Why hadn’t he taken control of Fayez’s coven yet? Why were his vampires still running wild?

Eleazar didn’t sense Nelo anywhere in the club. He tried to push the crowd out of his mind, but he couldn’t deny the tug of attraction toward a strikingly beautiful man dancing alone at the edge of the crowd. A man who was so in tune with his body that every move he made was a sensual aphrodisiac for Eleazar.

The stranger’s movements were provocative but controlled, his body moving in rhythm to the beat. He had dark, almost black hair and blue-gray eyes. He was wearing tight leather pants that hugged his ass and a white V-neck shirt that clung to his slight frame.

Eleazar swallowed hard. He was stunning, even from a distance. His skin glowed like porcelain, his hair perfectly arranged and styled. Eleazar couldn’t help but be taken aback by his beauty, but he quickly remembered why he was there—to find Nelo, the only vampire who could control Fayez’s pack.

He walked to the back rooms but didn’t find Nelo there. Eleazar clenched his jaw. When he returned to the main area of the club, the beautiful stranger was gone.

So much for taking the twink home to have a little fun.

Eleazar stepped outside, glanced around, then walked away. He wouldn’t give up finding Nelo. And when he did, he would demand the vampire take charge.

And if he didn’t, Eleazar would make Nelo pay in ways that only he could.

