Page 7 of Kieran

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“Who? How?” Brooklyn shook his head in confusion, staring at the intricate design. “How in the hell could this happen? One minute I was getting the wine, and the next I felt a searing pain and this appeared.”

“I have no idea,” Marcus said. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Neither had Brooklyn. “What do you think it means?”

“I have no clue.” Marcus picked up the bottle and turned it over and over, as if looking for what could have caused the burn. “I got nothing.”

“Neither do I.” Brooklyn rubbed the mark. The pain had faded, but the mark was still there. “What do I do now?”

“Are you sure that guy you were with didn’t do this to you?”

Kieran. A guy with the most amazing green eyes and rocking body. Brooklyn thought back to their encounter, but at no time had his hands left the wall after they’d gotten started, and he was pretty sure he would have felt something being burned into his flesh.

“I’m telling you this just happened, like moments ago.”

“Freaky.” Marcus set the bottle on the counter. “I’ve heard rumors of strange things going on in this city.”

“Like what?”

Marcus chuckled. “I don’t think those rumors are true, Brooklyn. Vampires and wolf shifters waging a private war.” He frowned. “But that might explain that thing on your hand. Did the guy try to drink blood from you or howl?”

Although Brooklyn couldn’t explain away the symbol on his hand, there was no way he would believe in wolf shifters and vampires. “Nope.”

“No fangs or canines?”


“Well, if you go all furry or sprout a set of fangs, I’m kicking you out.” Marcus grabbed two wine glasses from the cupboard. “Until then, let’s finish off our evening with bad movies and cheap wine.”

Brooklyn stared at his hand, at a loss of how to explain this.

* * * *

Kieran had almost made it home when his palm began to burn. He damn near crashed at the searing pain before he pulled to the curb in front of a hair salon. When he looked at his palm, his eyes widened and his heart raced.


No fucking way.

But there was no denying the truth.

Brooklyn was his mate.

Kieran turned his car around and sped back toward the club. His one-night stand had just gotten a hell of a lot more complicated. He hadn’t even gotten Brooklyn’s phone number, and now he was kicking himself in the ass.

When he walked back in, he searched the crowd but didn’t see his mate anywhere. Brooklyn must have already left. Now what was Kieran going to do? He had no means of contacting the man, and he couldn’t track his mate if the guy had left in a car.

Kieran strode toward the door, his mind racing. He had to do something, or he would never see Brooklyn again. But what could he do? He had no idea. His mate was somewhere in Ridgeway, and Kieran had no clue how to find him.

His heart sank.

He was going to lose his mate forever.

“Something wrong?” Felix asked when Kieran walked through the front door of the house he shared with his pack.

Kieran rubbed his thumb over the mating mark, wondering where Brooklyn was right now and how he was reacting to the mark appearing on his palm.

The human was probably freaking out. Kieran sure as hell was.
