Page 12 of Rayne

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Rayne looked at him, his heart pounding. He didn’t know what was next, but he knew one thing. He couldn’t let Felix go. Not yet.

“You stay here for now,” he said. “I’ll keep you safe, and we’ll figure this out together.”

“Can I have my phone back? Eleazar might be worried that I didn’t come home.”

“He knows where you are.” Rayne told him about the conversation he’d had. “He seemed a bit peeved.”

“Eleazar doesn’t get peeved.” Felix got out of bed. “He gets revenge. Right now he’s probably plotting on the best way to kill you, maximizing your suffering.”

Rayne snarled. “I’d like to see him try.”

“God, you alpha men are going to drive me insane.” Felix rolled his eyes. “Let me call him and tell him that we’re working together to solve this. That might calm him down.”

Rayne pulled Felix’s phone out of his back pocket and handed it over. “You call while I’m sitting here, and I want this on speaker.”

Felix nodded, dialing Eleazar’s number. Rayne sat next to him, his eyes glued to Felix’s face as he waited for the call to connect. It rang twice before the ancient vampire picked up.

“Felix, are you okay?” Eleazar asked. There was no denying the vampire cared deeply for the human. It was evident in his voice.

“I’m all right,” Felix said. “I’m with Rayne.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then Eleazar said, “I’m going to gut him from sternum to groin.”

“No, you’re not,” Felix said. “We’re working together to figure out who’s behind the killings.”

There was another silence, and then Eleazar said, “I don’t trust him, Felix.”

“I don’t either,” Felix said. “But we need each other right now.”

“I’d rather stake myself than work with a hunter.”

“I know,” Felix said. “But we need to put aside our hatred to stop these murders.”

Rayne felt the tension in the room growing as the conversation between Felix and Eleazar continued. He didn’t blame the vampire for being wary of him. Wolf shifters and vampires had never truly gotten along. But right now, they needed to put their differences aside to solve the problem at hand.

It wasn’t as if Rayne wanted to trust a vampire, but he might have to in order to figure this out. And that thought pissed him off to no end. It went against everything in him.

“Eleazar...” Rayne spoke up, interrupting the conversation. “I give you my word that I will keep Felix safe. I won’t let anything happen to him.”

“Your word means nothing to me,” Eleazar spat. “If one strand of hair on his head is harmed, I will wipe out your kind.”

“You dare threaten my pack?” Rayne snarled. “I’ll rain sunshine down on your ass if any of your men come near mine.”

“Stop!” Felix shouted. “You two can measure your dicks later. I just wanted to let you know that I’m helping Rayne solve this. Rayne, if we’re going to work together, no bad-mouthing Eleazar.”

“No promises,” Rayne gritted out.

“My threat stands. Return Felix in one piece or I’ll kill every last one of you flea-bitten mongrels.” Eleazar hung up.

“That went better than expected,” Felix said.

Rayne clenched his jaw to stop the slew of obscenities from escaping. He wanted to drive to Eleazar’s estate and shove the bastard into sunlight for threatening his pack. “Get some rest. We’ll meet downstairs first thing in the morning.”

Chapter Four

“You’re sure he’s going to be here?”

Rayne stood with his arms crossed over his massive chest. Felix stood by his side, his eyes glued to the end of the road, hoping he’d spot him. Eleazar had begrudgingly given them a name. One of the vampires he suspected of killing the humans. Now they were tracking down the vampire’s human servant.
