Page 14 of Rayne

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They walked down the block. Before turning the corner, Rayne looked back at Milton. The guy was watching them, but he didn’t look like the kind of person who was going to help. There was something in his eyes that was cold and calculating. As if he knew secrets and refused to share them with the rest of the class.

“That was a bust,” Felix said after Milton had driven away. “He was about as useful as a used condom.”

A bark of laughter escaped Rayne. “Thanks for that disgusting image.”

Felix shrugged. “It’s true. If you ask me, Milton knows more than he’s letting on. How much do you wanna bet he knows Fayez is one of the vampires killing the humans and just doesn’t care?”

“I had the same thoughts,” Rayne said. “I texted Kieran and Cyrus. They’re close by. They’re going to follow Milton and see what he’s up to.”

“No one knows where Fayez lives. Maybe they could figure that out.”

“They could try,” Rayne said, not wanting to get his hopes up. “Let’s just cross our fingers that Kieran and Cyrus are able to find some evidence of Fayez’s involvement.”

Because right now, Rayne had nothing to go on.

* * * *

Kieran cursed as the car he was following weaved in and out of traffic. He hated having to tail someone around the city. He and Cyrus had been tracking Milton for almost an hour now. The human was driving in circles, and he wasn’t going to make it easy on them.

“You’re too close,” Cyrus complained. “He’s going to see you.”

“I know what I’m doing. Stop being a side-seat driver.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you slowed down a little.”

Kieran gritted his teeth. “Do you want me to pull over? I’ll pull the fuck over.”

“And do what?” Cyrus asked. “Hand over the wheel? Please do. If you drove any closer to Milton, we’d be in his backseat.”

Kieran eased off the gas so Cyrus would shut up. He knew what he was doing, but both of them were dominant drivers, so Cyrus was going to be a pain in the ass the entire time. Kieran was so deep in thought that he nearly missed the fact that Milton had pulled to the curb in front of Club Lure.

Kieran found an empty spot a few cars down and parked. He watched as Milton stepped inside the club.

A club known for shifters and vampires partying, as well as humans. Amazingly enough, no fights had broken out. Not that Kieran had heard of. The owner, a vampire named Kellam, had very strict rules about behavior in his establishment. He also employed some massive wolf shifter bouncers that had no problem tossing out anyone who they deemed trouble.

Why on earth would Milton go to a club in the early afternoon? What was he up to?

“I’m going in,” Cyrus reached for the handle. “Milton doesn’t know us, so he won’t be suspicious if we walked in.”

Kieran agreed, because he didn’t want to be bored out of his skull waiting in the car. “Let’s do this.”

They strolled into the club, and it was pretty empty this time of day. Vampires wouldn’t be there. Not until full dark. Even so, there was a bouncer just inside the door. Instead of asking for ID, he sniffed at them.

Way to be inconspicuous.

Kieran looked around, catching sight of Milton just in time as the human walked toward the rear of the club.

Cyrus tapped the back of his hand against Kieran’s stomach. “I’m going to follow him. You got outside and around the back to make sure he’s not trying to lose us.”

“You think he knows we followed him?”

Cyrus shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”

A bad feeling pooled in Kieran’s gut. There was no logical explanation for Milton being there, but Kieran walked outside and rounded the building. He waited ten minutes, but neither Cyrus nor Milton came outside.

Frustrated, Kieran walked back around and entered the club. As soon as he cleared the doorway, something hard slammed into the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

* * * *
