Page 17 of Rayne

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“About the human?” Cable asked, a sly grin on his face.

Rayne glared at him. “What human?”

“The one you’ve been eyeing all night,” Logan said, nudging his brother.

Rayne didn’t deny it. He was drawn to Felix in a way he couldn’t explain. He’d never felt this way before, not even with his past lovers. It was like Felix had some kind of hold on him and he was powerless to resist it.

Just as he was about to respond to the twins, he heard a light rustling in the bushes at the edge of the expansive yard. He tensed, his wolf senses on high alert. The pack fell silent as they all turned to face the source of the sound. They heard the snap of twigs and the shuffle of feet. Then, out of the shadows, emerged Fayez and his entourage of vampires.

Rayne watched in stunned confusion as Fayez carelessly marched into the backyard, his loud footsteps and bold stride announcing his arrival. He knew vampires usually crept up behind their victims silently and quickly, so why was Fayez being so showy? Whatever his motive, Rayne felt a growing dread in the pit of his stomach.

“You have no idea the trouble you’ve caused,” Fayez sneered as he stepped forward. “You’ve killed my loyal servant, and now you think you can just walk away?”

Rayne stood his ground, his muscles coiled and ready to pounce. The pack circled around him, their eyes fixed on the vampires.

“I think we can do whatever we want,” Rayne replied, his voice low and menacing. “Especially when it comes to defending ourselves. It was Milton who attacked first.”

Fayez laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the night. “Defending yourselves? You wolves and your primitive instincts. You should have known better than to cross me. I am not one to be trifled with.”

“And we’re not ones to back down from a fight,” Rayne retorted, his eyes locking with Fayez’s.

The tension in the air was palpable. The vampires bared their fangs. Rayne felt his wolf rising to the surface, ready to take on any threat.

“Attack!” Fayez commanded, and the vampires surged forward in a blur of movement.

Rayne and his pack met them head-on. Claws and teeth clashed against fangs and canines as they fought in a wild frenzy. Rayne felt the impact of blows and the sting of bites, but he pushed through the pain. He wouldn’t let Fayez get the best of him.

In the chaos of the fight, Rayne saw more vampires emerging from the woods. Dread filled him. There were already too many. Had Fayez brought more, telling them to hold off until the fight began?

Then he recognized who was leading the newcomers.


“Defend the wolves,” Eleazar commanded.

“You dare go against me?” Fayez asked, his features a mask of fury.

Eleazar smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “I dare do whatever the fuck I want.”

Rayne was far from an idiot. Eleazar wasn’t there to help the wolves. He was there to make sure Felix was safe.

Fayez snarled and lunged at Eleazar, two powerful leaders exchanging blows, but Eleazar was quick and dodged out of the way. Rayne took the opportunity to strike, lunging forward and sinking his teeth into the neck of the vampire closest to him. The taste of blood was hot and metallic on his tongue, but he forced himself to pull away and continue fighting.

He watched in awe as Eleazar’s coven joined the fight. They stepped with a fluid grace, their movements precise and deadly. Then Fayez hit the ground, his body bleeding. Eleazar approached him, his eyes cold and calculating. “I warned you not to mess with my territory,” he said, his voice dripping with venom. “Consider this a lesson learned. Take your men and go or I’ll destroy them.”

“This isn’t over.” Fayez pushed to his feet. “Rayne killed my servant, and I deserve retribution.”

“As long as Felix is under his roof, this house is under my protection,” Eleazar snarled.

Rayne watched as Fayez entered the woods, his men following suit.

He turned to Eleazar. “Don’t expect me to thank you. We were holding our own.”

“Fayez will never let this go,” Eleazar said, ignoring Rayne’s words. “I will leave two of my men to watch over your home.”

“I don’t need your help,” Rayne snapped. “I don’t want vampires anywhere near here.”

Eleazar stiffened at the remark. “There are vampires everywhere. You live in a city.”
