Page 19 of Rayne

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“Don’t thank me yet,” Luka said before hanging up.

Eleazar leaned back in his chair, wondering if he’d just solved a problem or made matters worse.

* * * *

Felix frowned when he heard someone cursing. He moved down the hallway and stopped outside a door, trying to figure out what was going on. When he heard another curse, he pushed the door open to find Rayne sitting on the edge of his bed, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs.

Good lord, the man had a body to worship. Hard lines, muscles everywhere, and the sexiest abdomen Felix had ever seen. “What are you cussing about?”

Rayne looked up as if he hadn’t heard Felix enter. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit.” Felix moved closer, and that was when he saw the bite marks. They had to be from the fight last night. “How badly are you hurt?”

“It’s nothing,” Rayne snarled like a wounded animal.

With a roll of his eyes, Felix went to Rayne’s bathroom and rummaged under his sink until he found a first-aid kit. Felix still couldn’t believe that Fayez had shown up, bringing members of his coven with him. Not that Felix had seen any of it. Cyrus had told him what happened this morning at breakfast.

Truth be told, Felix liked the men in the house. He was getting to know them and enjoyed their company. Especially the twins. They were a hoot. Beast was the one who scared Felix the most. There was just something about him that screamed death. He also didn’t talk much, as if he had no clue how to interact with humans.

But it was Rayne that was constantly on his mind. No matter how much Felix told himself not to fall for a hunter, that it was a stupid idea, he couldn’t help his attraction. There was just something about Rayne that drew him in and shook Felix down to his toes whenever he was in the man’s presence.

Felix returned to the bedroom and approached Rayne, kneeling in front of him. “You need to take better care of yourself,” he scolded as he began to clean and dress Rayne’s wounds. “I mean it, Rayne. You can’t lead this pack if you’re dead.”

Rayne’s eyes met Felix’s, and for a moment, they were both frozen in place. Felix could see the wildness in Rayne’s hazel eyes, the same wildness that had drawn him to the alpha wolf in the first place. But there was something else there, too, something that tugged at Felix’s heartstrings and made him want to protect Rayne at all costs.

“I know that,” Rayne finally said, his voice low. “But sometimes it’s hard to remember what’s important when you’re in the middle of a fight.”

“I get that,” Felix said softly, finishing up with the first aid. “But you have to remember that your pack needs you. Have you heard from Eleazar?”

Rayne snorted. “Not since we buried Fayez’s dead.”

Felix needed to call Eleazar. He’d been so busy the past few days that he hadn’t had time. He needed to thank the guy for coming last night and siding with the hunters. That had to have pricked Eleazar’s pride. He hated hunters with a passion.

“I think you’ll live.” Felix closed the first-aid kit. “But in the future, try not to become a snack.”

His breath hitched when Rayne caressed his cheek. Felix’s heart thundered as Rayne leaned in, his lips grazing Felix’s. It was a soft, fleeting touch, but it was enough to set Felix’s body ablaze. He wanted more, needed more, but he knew it was a dangerous game to play. Hunters and vampires did not mix, and definitely not a servant of a vampire. They came from two different worlds, and this would never work.

“Thank you,” Rayne said, his voice low and husky.

“For what?” Felix asked.

“For taking care of me.” Rayne’s hand was still on Felix’s cheek.

Felix swallowed hard, trying to suppress his desire. “You’re welcome.” He stood and moved away from Rayne. “I should go.”

Felix’s breath caught as he looked into Rayne’s intense gaze. There was something different about the guy’s demeanor, something that made Felix nervous and excited at the same time. He needed to leave before he did something he might regret.

Like begging Rayne to kiss him again, only more thoroughly this time. That thought made Felix haul ass toward the door.

“Felix,” Rayne called out, and Felix turned to face him once more. “Stay for a bit. We can talk.”

Felix hesitated before he walked back to the bed and sat next to Rayne.

“What do you want to talk about?” Felix asked, barely able to keep his voice steady.

“I know that we come from different worlds, and that we probably shouldn’t be doing this,” Rayne said, speaking Felix’s thoughts. “But I can’t help the way I feel about you, Felix. You drive me crazy, and I can’t get you out of my head.”

Felix’s heart thundered as he realized that Rayne felt the same way he did. He had been trying to ignore his feelings for Rayne, thinking that it could never work between them. Still, Felix was playing with fire. His loyalty was to Eleazar, not a hunter.
