Page 23 of Rayne

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The symbol of their bond was on his palm, burned right into his skin. He glanced up when he heard Felix cry out, shooting up in bed as he waved his hand around.

Felix had just been given the exact same mark.

They were mates.

“What the hell?” Felix looked down at his palm.

Rayne’s no longer burned. Just as quickly as it had come, the pain had vanished. He assumed it was the same for Felix.

“What’s going on?” Felix held his palm up so Rayne could see the intricate design. “Did someone just put a curse on me?”

Felix might feel that way once Rayne explained what just happened. “No.” He shook his head as he approached Felix. “We’re mates.”

He could scent fear pouring off of the human. “You knew this could happen and didn’t warn me before we had sex?”

“I had no idea,” Rayne snarled. “Our kind doesn’t know who their mate is until they sleep with them. The thought that we might be mates never even crossed my mind.”

“Well, undo it,” Felix demanded.

“Doesn’t work that way.” Rayne walked to his dresser and grabbed a fresh pair of underwear then slipped them on. “Our bond can’t be broken.”

Rayne’s head was spinning. He really hadn’t thought about the whole mate thing when he was in bed with Felix. All that had been on Rayne’s mind was fucking the guy. His pack was going to flip over this.

They already liked Felix, liked talking to him, like sharing a meal with him, so Rayne would have no trouble with his pack. However, he would have trouble with Eleazar. Rayne would have to put down the vampire when Eleazar came for his throat. There was no doubt Eleazar would attack. Felix was his precious boy, and Rayne had mated him.

Jesus fucking Christ. Rayne sure knew how to fuck things up, even unintentionally. But what was done was done. There was no going back from this, so he and Felix needed to come to terms with the fact that they were bound by fate.

“I just wanted to get laid.” Felix got out of bed and looked around the floor. “Where in the hell are my underwear? This is crazy. I sleep with a hot guy, and now we’re bonded forever? Eleazar is going to kill us. I can’t be mated to a hunter.” Felix grabbed his underwear from by the window and slipped them on. “What in the hell are we going to do?”

“Calm down?” Rayne suggested. “That would be my first choice.”

“Calm down?” Felix shrieked. “Are you serious right now? How can I calm down when I’ve just been mated to a wolf shifter? A fucking hunter! Oh my god. Shit. Holy hell. You just screwed me over so hard that you now have drilling rights.”

Whatever that meant. Rayne just stood there, his arms crossed, letting Felix have his meltdown. Sooner or later the guy had to run out of steam. Then maybe they could have a serious conversation about this.

Rayne leaned an arm on his dresser. “Are you done yet?”

He was actually shocked by how calm he was about this. The only emotion Rayne was feeling was surprised. He was pretty sure the impact of this situation would hit him later, but right now, he had an irate mate to deal with.

“I’m calm,” Felix said, taking deep breaths as he sat on the edge of the bed, his knees pulled to his chest. “I’m calm. I just need a minute.”

Rayne wasn’t sure what was about to happen between him and Felix. All he knew was that he was going to be with him for the rest of his life. It was also now Rayne’s responsibility to keep the human safe. Rayne had too many enemies, including Fayez. But Felix had an entire pack to protect him now. Any one of Rayne’s men would lay down their life to keep Felix out of harm’s way.

* * * *

“Are you calm now?”

Felix was far from calm. He’d been so caught up in the moment, so gung-ho to have sex with Rayne, that he hadn’t thought… Well, he hadn’t known a damn thing about mates, so, no, he hadn’t forgone sanity to get a piece of the sexy wolf shifter.

Now there was no denying the truth. Not when he had a permanent reminder on the palm of his hand. The emblem had faded some, but it was still there. Eleazar had never said anything about mates, and Felix wondered if the vampire even knew this was possible.

Okay. Felix could work through this. He just had to remember to breathe and not try to cut off Rayne’s balls. “I’m calm,” he admitted. “But I’m far from…” He wasn’t even sure how to finish that sentence.

“Far from okay with being mated to a mongrel?”

“I never said that!” Holy fuck. Felix was mated to a hunter. This was so bad. So, so bad. It was one thing for Eleazar to offer his protection to this pack because Felix was under Rayne’s roof, but he didn’t think things would go so well when the man who’d helped raised him found out that Felix had mated the enemy.

Eleazar just might join up with Fayez to wipe out this pack when he found out. Christ on a cracker. What was Felix going to do, move in with a pack of wolves?
