Page 24 of Rayne

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Now Felix didn’t know what to think. He was caught in a silent war he had no business being a part of. He wasn’t a wolf or a vampire. He was human. He’d just inherited his station with Eleazar. It wasn’t as if Felix had filled out a job application to serve the oldest vampire in Ridgeway. It wasn’t as though he’d volunteered to go out the other night and track down information about the hunters’ plans. If it had been up to him, he would have kept his ass at home and been oblivious to what was going on.

Only, Felix didn’t like the idea of sitting idly by while humans were mysteriously disappearing or being killed. He knew vampires were behind these tragic events, yet he had intentionally avoided thinking too deeply about how they were involved. On the one hand, he wanted to help put a stop to those killings. On the other, his loyalty to Eleazar had him questioning his own morals and beliefs. His very own judgment.

If hunters weren’t the rabid dogs his father and Eleazar had made them out to be, then Felix had been raised on their hatred, spoon-fed lies his entire life. Now he was at a crossroad.

Felix sighed, shaking his head. He had no answers, only more questions. “I don’t know what to do,” he admitted, feeling lost and overwhelmed.

Rayne walked over and sat down on the bed beside him. “We’ll figure it out together,” he said, placing a comforting arm around Felix’s shoulders. “We’re a team, remember?”

That was what Felix needed. Something to focus on. A goal he could sink his teeth into instead of facing this mating thing head-on. “We need to get back on track to our original goal,” he said.

“Finding out who’s doing the killings.”

“Exactly.” Felix nodded. “Come morning, we should get back to the case.”

Rayne grinned. “You sound like a detective.”

“Elementary, my dear Rayne. Evil is afoot.” Felix chuckled, and that small laugh felt like a release valve. It was exactly what he’d needed to break the tension.

“Then we shall track down the bad guy, Watson.”

“Hey.” Felix frowned. “I’m Sherlock. You’re Watson.”

“I’m totally Sherlock,” Rayne argued good-naturedly.

“You’re saying I’m a sidekick?” Felix huffed. “Why, because I’m human and you’re the big, bad wolf?” He narrowed his eyes. “If you make a joke about me being Little Red Riding Hood, I’ll kick you in the nuts.”

“I was thinking more about the three little pigs.” Rayne yanked his arm back and laughed, jumping up and moving away from the bed when Felix tried to swat at him. Then he wiggled his brows. “I’ll huff and puff and blow you until your eyes roll back into your head.”

Felix choked on a laugh. “You just had to turn this dirty, didn’t you?”

“That idea holds a lot more merit than blowing your house down.” Rayne walked toward his bathroom. “Care to take a shower with me?”

“Honestly, I’d love to get some of my clothes from home. I’m tired of wearing the same thing every day. Granted, it’s been washed, but I really want something different to wear.”

“Call Eleazar and arrange a drop-off location.”

“You don’t trust me to return home and get some of my belongings? You think I’ll stay?” Felix no longer felt like Rayne’s prisoner, but the truth was in Rayne’s hazel eyes. That was exactly what he was thinking. “I could also grab my Mercedes while I’m there.”

“That’s totally a vampire car.”

“How so?” Felix asked.

“Sleek and elegant. Whereas wolves love muscle cars. The power under the hood feels like an extension of our bodies.”

“But you drove an SUV when we went to meet up with Milton,” Felix pointed out.

“Great vehicles for chases.”

“But…” Felix crossed his arms. “Muscle cars are good for chases, too.”

Rayne winked, sending Felix’s heart fluttering. “Remind me to show you our collection in the garage.”

“I still want my car,” Felix said. “Tinted windows, heated seats, and—”

“What are you, seventy?” Rayne teased. “Still a vampire car. The tinted windows are to protect them from the sun. Heated seats to warm their cold ass.”

Felix had never thought of it that way. “Vampires aren’t cold.”
