Page 25 of Rayne

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One of Rayne’s brows arched. “I beg to differ.”

He caught on to what Rayne was implying. “I meant their body temperature, not their disposition.”

It was so different being with wolves than with vampires. It had been sterile in Eleazar’s home, praises and comfort rarely given, even though Felix knew the guy cared about him. Being around Rayne and his pack was like touching a live wire. Everything was intense and passionate. It was like their emotions were always dialed up to eleven. Felix couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed at times and wondered if that was because of their wolf nature.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “So, a drop-off location,” he said, trying to refocus the conversation. “I’ll ask Eleazar to have my car brought, too.”

Rayne crossed his arms over his chest, watching Felix with that predatory gaze that always made him feel like he was about to be devoured. “I trust you, Felix. It’s Eleazar I don’t trust. If he sees that mark on your hand, I’m not sure what he’ll do. I’m not sending my mate on a suicide mission.”

“Eleazar would never hurt me.”

“Are you sure about that?” Rayne nodded toward Felix’s hand. “You have no idea how he’ll react knowing you’ve mated his worst enemy. He’s not going to want to hear that you had no idea it could happen. The only thing Eleazar will care about is that we slept together.”

As much as Felix wanted to deny what Rayne was saying, the guy was right. Unintentionally, he’d just drawn a line in the sand.

Eleazar had made it clear that he didn’t trust Rayne, and now that Felix had mated with him, Eleazar might see Felix as a traitor.

But at the same time, Felix couldn’t deny the deep attraction he felt toward Rayne. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before. He had always been a loner, never really fitting in with the vampires, but with Rayne and his pack, he felt like he’d finally found a place where he belonged.

* * * *

Kieran and Cable followed Rayne in their own vehicle as Rayne drove to the drop-off location. He didn’t like the idea of bringing Felix with him, but he hated the idea of leaving his mate behind even more. He wasn’t sure what to expect, especially since this was happening at night. If he’d left Felix at home, Rayne knew his focus would have been split.

Felix would have also been left vulnerable. Sure, there were pack members at home, but what if this had been a distraction and getting Felix back was the real goal? Rayne’s mind raced with all sorts of scenarios as he pulled into a parking lot on the outskirts of the city where the drop-off location had been set.

Rayne glanced around the parking lot, illuminated only by a few flickering streetlights. A thick blanket of clouds obscured the moon, lending an eerie ambience to the otherwise still night. His wolf was on high alert as Kieran and Cable parked their car behind him.

“Why does this feel like we’re in some kind of horror movie?” Felix asked from the passenger seat. “I don’t see my car. Why hasn’t it been delivered yet?”

Rayne gave Felix a reassuring smile. “Relax, he’s probably just running a little late.” But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. He scanned the area again, searching for any signs of danger. “We’ll give it a few more minutes before we start to worry.” He reached over and took Felix’s hand, interlacing their fingers. “I’ve got you.”

Kieran and Cable got out of their car and joined them. They stood in front of Rayne’s SUV, all exchanging wary glances. Rayne could feel the tension building inside him, like a coiled snake ready to strike.

He was just about to suggest they leave when a black van pulled into the parking lot. Rayne’s hand moved toward the glove compartment, where he kept his weapon. As the van came to a stop in front of them, his wolf snarled. The doors opened, and four figures stepped out of the van.

“What in the hell is going on?” Felix whispered. “I don’t recognize those guys. They’re not Eleazar’s men.”

Time slowed as Rayne made a split-second decision. He saw one of the strangers reach for something and acted. With lightning-fast reflexes, he shoved Felix to the floor and fired out the passenger window, sending one of the men tumbling like a ragdoll. Kieran and Cable shifted into their wolf forms in a blur and attacked with savage ferocity, while the men from the van opened fire. In one fluid motion, Rayne threw open the driver’s door, flung his mate out, and then followed suit, diving out of the car at the same time.

He could hear the bullets pinging against the SUV as glass shattered, and he prayed Kieran and Cable weren’t shot. “Stay down,” he told Felix as Rayne inched his way to the front panel to get a better look.

The smell of gunpowder filled the air, and Rayne knew it was now or never. His heart raced, and he had to act fast if they wanted to make it out alive. He peeked around the corner of the SUV and spotted one of the attackers taking aim at Kieran. Without hesitation, Rayne shot the man in the head.

The men from the van were still firing, but Kieran and Cable were relentless in their attack. The sounds of snarls and growls mixed with gunshots, filling the air. Rayne saw one of the men trying to make a run for it and took a shot, hitting him in the leg and sending him sprawling to the ground.

The remaining attackers scrambled for cover behind their van, but they were no match for the wolves. In a matter of minutes, it was over. The attackers lay dead or dying on the ground, and Rayne’s men were unscathed.

He turned back to Felix, who was crouched down beside the SUV. “Are you hurt?” he asked, scanning Felix’s body for any signs of injury. He not only saw the sheer terror in Felix’s eyes but he also scented it in the air. Rayne gently grasped Felix’s chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay.” He reached up to touch Rayne’s hand still resting on his face. “I’ve just never been in a shootout before. It looks way cooler in the movies.”

Rayne couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at Felix’s attempt to lighten the mood. He was relieved that his mate was okay and that they had made it out of the situation alive. “It’s not as glamorous as the movies make it out to be,” he said, rubbing his thumb over Felix’s cheek. “But you were so brave, love. I’m so proud of you.” He pulled Felix up into a tight embrace. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”

Felix clung to him, burying his face in Rayne’s chest. “I thought I was going to die.”

“I won’t let that happen,” Rayne promised, running a soothing hand through Felix’s hair. “I’ll always protect you.”

Kieran and Cable shifted back into their human forms, joining them.
