Page 29 of Rayne

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“Give me some sort of answer, Eleazar.”

“I’ll get back to you.” The phone went dead, and Felix was left feeling helpless. He stared at his phone for a moment before setting it aside.

Rayne stepped into the bathroom, his face flushed, his body still naked. His brows were furrowed, and he looked concerned. “Everything okay?”

“I don’t know.” Felix shook his head, his heart racing. “Eleazar…” Rayne moved to stand next to him and caressed Felix’s hair. “I just called him to try and figure this out.”

“What did he say when you told him what happened?” Rayne asked, his voice low and demanding. Felix could see that Rayne was every bit the alpha in this moment, not just his mate.

“He said he had nothing to do with it.” Felix swallowed hard, his mind running a million miles an hour. “I don’t know what to think, and I feel guilty as hell for even considering he might have had a hand in this. I know he’s ruthless, but...” Felix shook his head. “No, I refuse to believe he was behind the attack.”

Rayne carefully intertwined their fingers. He held them close, his thumb gently tracing circles on the back of Felix’s hand. “There’s always the possibility of Fayez. He wants me dead for killing his servant. I wouldn’t put it past him to send men after us.”

Felix was going to cling to that notion. He had to. Otherwise, everything he believed in would be shattered.

* * * *

Eleazar hung up, holding his cell phone in a tight grip as he stared at the top of his desk. He’d arranged to have Felix’s things delivered to the dop-off location, including his car. Only a handful of people had known about it.

He dialed his brother. “My office. Now.”

Moments later, Zakrem swept in. “What’s going on?”

“Who did you task with delivering Felix’s belongings?”

Zakrem met his gaze. “One of my men.”

“What is his name?” Eleazar asked, his eyes narrowed.

A look of surprise crossed Zakrem’s face. “Why do you need to know that?”

“Don’t test my patience,” Eleazar snarled. “I want a name.”

Eleazar tried to keep his temper in check. He didn’t want to lash out at his brother, but someone was going to pay dearly for endangering Felix’s life. A strike against Felix was a strike against him.

Zakrem’s face hardened, and he inclined his head, conceding to Eleazar’s wishes. “Sannat.”

Eleazar snarled as he stood. He slammed his fist against his desktop. “Bring him to me!”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on,” Zakrem shot back. “Sannat is loyal to the core and one of my best.”

Eleazar stalked around his desk like a predator. He bared his fangs and moved so quickly he was mere inches from his brother's face. “You have exactly one hour to bring him here, or I will take my punishment out on your flesh.” Zakrem’s face still held defiance, but Eleazar just nodded slowly, a silent threat cutting through the air. “One hour. Bring him here or you will feel the full force of my wrath.”

“As you wish, brother.” Zakrem turned on his heel and walked out.

Eleazar turned and slammed his fist into the wall. He could feel his bloodlust getting stronger. There was no way he could unleash his anger on Zakrem without killing him, but if his brother didn’t bring Sannat to him, Eleazar would be forced to do just that.

He clenched his fists, the heat of raw anger coursing through him. He wanted to believe that Fayez had something to do with what was happening, but there was a niggling suspicion in the back of his mind that it could be Zakrem.

Eleazar knew his brother’s darkness all too well. Zakrem viewed humans as nothing more than expendable livestock and would never hesitate to cross any line if it served his purpose. If he was behind this, Eleazar vowed to himself that he would kill the bastard without hesitation.

* * * *

Rayne watched as Felix took a few deep breaths and then walked out of the bathroom. He was moving with quiet determination, his back rigid. Rayne was proud of him for that. It showed he was a survivor, but he was also still in shock. Rayne wasn’t sure if Felix would recover from his near-death experience any time soon.

It shook Rayne to his core that someone would try to kill them. He hadn’t felt this kind of fear since he was a small child and had seen the worst of his own kind. He wasn’t afraid for himself. Rayne had been in many tight spots he’d had to shoot his way out of.

Fear gripped him because Felix could have died. He could have lost his mate last night.
