Page 3 of Rayne

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Still, he couldn’t give up so easily. He had to find out what was going on. He wandered through the city, asking anyone who looked like they might know something. But no one would talk to him.

As he made his way down a deserted side street, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw a figure approaching, their face concealed by a hood. Felix’s heart raced as the figure moved inhumanly fast then cut him off.

“Who are you?” Felix asked, trying to sound confident. He might sass Eleazar, but that didn’t make him brave. Not when he left the walls of Eleazar’s estate. Out here on the streets, especially at night, life was a hell of a lot scarier.

The figure didn’t answer. Instead, the person grabbed Felix by the arm and dragged him into the shadows. Felix struggled, but the stranger was too strong.

“Let me go!” Felix yelled.

“Quiet,” the guy hissed. There was no resisting that voice. Fully masculine and deep. “I’m trying to help you.”

Felix stopped struggling, his heart racing with fear. “Who are you?”

“I’m a hunter,” the guy said. “And I know what’s been happening in Ridgeway.”

Felix gasped. He’d never come face to face with a hunter before. He had a real-life wolf shifter in front of him. The revelation was mind-blowing and scary as hell. He’d wanted to find a hunter, and he had. Now all he wanted to do was run.

“Why should I trust you?” he asked, suspicious of the stranger’s intention.

The hunter pulled back his hood, revealing a face that was stern and sympathetic but also downright gorgeous. Felix always imagined shifters foaming at the mouth and howling at the moon. That was the picture Eleazar had painted in Felix’s head. But this guy didn’t have any foam, and he wasn’t howling.

“Because I’m the only one who can help you navigate through this mess. Eleazar sent you on a suicide mission, didn’t he?”

Felix was surprised that the hunter knew about that. “How do you know what I’m doing?”

The hunter smirked. “Let’s just say I have my sources. Now, let’s get out of here before they find us.”

“Hold the hell up.” Felix tugged at his arm, but the guy’s grip was like a steel band. “I don’t know you from Jack. If you know about Eleazar, then you know I work for a vampire. Hunters and vampires are mortal enemies.”

The guy curled his lip. “I love how you just called a vampire mortal.”

“You know what I mean.”

Felix hesitated, unsure if he could trust the hunter. This felt sketchy as hell, but he had no other options. Not when the guy’s hand was still curled around his upper arm. “I’m not going anywhere with you until I at least know your name.”

“Like you have a choice.”

“I could scream my damn head off,” Felix warned.

The stranger snarled, showing off sharp canines. “Call me Rayne.”

“I’m Felix.”

“Don’t care. Now let’s get moving.”

The guy finally released him. Probably making the biggest mistake of his life, Felix followed him out of the alley and into the streets. If he hadn’t been desperate for information, he would have run in the opposite direction. No lie, in his twenty-seven years of living, this was the scariest situation he’d ever been in.

As they walked, Felix couldn’t help but feel like he was in a horror movie. The darkness of the night seemed to intensify, and every sound made him jump. Rayne kept glancing at him, as if he knew exactly what Felix was thinking.

He didn’t trust Rayne, but at the same time, he needed to find out what the hunters were up to, and Rayne was his best shot. He had to take a chance.

“So, what do you know about these disappearances?” Felix asked, trying to sound brave.

Rayne sighed. “It’s not just disappearances. People are being killed, drained of their blood.”

Killed? Felix had only heard about them disappearing. “Why? Who’s doing this?”

He had to play dumb to find out what Rayne knew and if he suspected any vampire involvement.
