Page 5 of Rayne

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“I really don’t know anything,” Felix repeated once again, his voice a little steadier this time.

Rayne’s grip tightened, and Felix could feel the pressure of his fingers against his neck. Rayne was cutting off his air supply, and Felix began to panic. “Please, let me go,” he gasped out.

Rayne chuckled darkly. “Not until you tell me everything.”

Felix’s vision began to blur, and he felt himself starting to lose consciousness. Just when he thought it was all over, Rayne suddenly released him and stepped back. Felix gasped for air, his hands clutching at his throat.

“Fine,” Rayne said, his tone resigned. “If you don’t know anything, then I guess I have no use for you.” He patted Felix down and snatched his phone from his back pocket.

“Give that back!”

Rayne turned and walked away.

Felix stood there for a moment, trying to catch his breath. He stumbled over to the couch and collapsed onto it, shaken and weak.

As he sat there, trying to calm down, Felix couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to do now. He was stuck in Rayne’s house with no way out, and he had no idea what was going to happen to him. All he knew was that he was in way over his head, and he had no one to turn to.

This was what he got. Felix had finally met his first hunter, and what had he done? Followed the guy home like a stray puppy. God, he needed to stop being so gullible because now he was utterly screwed.

Chapter Two

Rayne tossed Felix’s phone onto his desk before he sat down. This was not how he’d expected his night to go. A prisoner? Since when had he turned into a kidnapper?

He knew he had gone too far with Felix, but he couldn’t risk letting the guy go. Rayne had been tracking Eleazar’s movements for weeks, and he couldn’t let Felix return to his employer now that Rayne had an advantage over the head bloodsucker.

Eleazar was elusive, rarely leaving his home that sat atop a hill overlooking the city. Rayne had been trying to capture the ancient vampire, but it had proven trickier than he thought. Now he had to find a way to get the information he needed out of Felix, without resorting to violence, though.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. This was necessary. He needed intel on the vampires in Ridgeway, and Felix was his best shot. But now that Felix had proven himself useless, Rayne wasn’t sure what to do next. He didn’t want to kill the guy, but he couldn’t let him walk out the door either.

There was too much at stake.

But he didn’t think Felix was useless. He had to know something.

Rayne reached into his jacket pocket for his cell phone. He pulled it out and dialed Kieran’s number. He wanted to deny it, but Felix’s blue eyes—as deep and wondrous as a summer sky—and his sandy-blond hair stirred something inside him that he hadn’t felt in years.

Even though Felix worked for vampires, he still seemed naïve.

Naïve enough to follow a stranger home. Didn’t the guy have self-preservation instincts? Who in the fuck did that in this day and age?


“Any luck finding the vampires responsible for the deaths?”

Kieran sighed. “Hitting a wall, Rayne. No one wants to talk, which is making my job frustrating as hell.”

Rayne leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I know the feeling. Listen, I have a prisoner here. Felix, the guy who works for Eleazar.”

“What are you going to do with him?”

“I don’t know. I can’t let him go, but I don’t want to kill him either.”

“Why can’t you let him go?” Kieran asked.

“Because he’s our best lead into what’s been going on. Eleazar knows something, and I’m going to find out what that is.”

“Maybe we can use Felix as leverage. Get him to spill everything he knows about the vampires,” Kieran suggested.

Rayne nodded. “Way ahead of you. I just need Felix to talk before I consider my next move.”
