Page 7 of Rayne

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While Rayne was nowhere in sight, Felix ran around trying every window and door he could find. Unfortunately, nothing opened for him. The doors were locked with that damn security system, and the windows seemed to be, as well.

Felix couldn’t believe he’d been stupid enough to follow a stranger home. What had he been thinking? He knew he needed to get out of there before Rayne returned. But how?

As Felix looked around the room, his mind raced. He noticed a small vent by the baseboard and kneeled down to examine it. Maybe he could crawl through it and escape. But it was too small for him to fit through. He groaned in frustration as his hopes were dashed.

Felix quickly got up and backed toward the fireplace when he heard footsteps approaching. Rayne entered the living room, his expression unreadable.

“You’re still here,” Rayne murmured, heat radiating off his body as he stepped closer to Felix.

Rayne was raw temptation—those alluring hazel eyes, that soft brown hair, and a ripped body that left Felix wanting. Yet there was something more beneath the surface, an intoxicating allure that had Felix dizzy with desire.

What in the fuck is wrong with me? I’m his prisoner, not his date. I can’t forget he almost choked me out. “Like I could leave.”

Rayne cocked his head to the side, studying Felix. “You could try,” he said, his voice low and dangerous, “but I wouldn’t recommend it.” Rayne circled around Felix, his gaze never leaving him. “You know, Felix, you’re in a pretty tough spot. You’ve got two options. You can either cooperate with me and give me the information I want, or I can make things very difficult for you. And trust me, you don’t want to know what that entails.”

Felix knew Rayne was serious, and he hated feeling a mixer of fear and desire toward the guy. He didn’t know what was going on with him. He was supposed to hate Rayne, to fear him. But he couldn’t help the way his body reacted to the other man’s presence.

That didn’t mean he had to act on those feelings. “Screw you.”

Rayne chuckled. “I think you’re the one who’s screwed.”

Felix couldn’t disagree.

“I know you know something,” Rayne said. “I can smell it on you, and I can tell by the way your heart races.”

“Screw. You.” Felix had lived with Eleazar’s threats. If Rayne thought he would scare him, he had another think coming.

Rayne took another step, his lips curving into a dangerous smile. He bent and looked Felix in the eye. “This is your final warning,” he said, his voice cold as ice. “If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I will hurt you, Felix. I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before because I’m going to take you places you have never been.”

Okay, that was scary.

Felix wasn’t sure if he could handle what Rayne promised. He didn’t know the guy, didn’t know what to expect, and he certainly didn’t know what Rayne was capable of. The only thing Felix knew was that Rayne was dangerous—a danger he was drawn to.

He couldn’t think straight around Rayne, and that pissed him off. Especially now when he needed to remain calm and think of a way out of this.

Rayne sniffed the air. “I can feel the heat radiating off you,” he said. “Your heart is racing, and your breath is coming in short spurts. You want to run, but you can’t. Because you know you’ll fail.”

“Has anyone every told you how much of an asshole you are?” Felix rounded the couch to put space between them. “If you’re not going to torture me, can you at least feed me? I’m starving.”

Felix knew he should be terrified of Rayne, but he was drawn to him in a way that scared him far more than Rayne’s words had. The way the guy looked at him, the sound of his deep voice, even the way he smelled… Felix couldn’t shake the feeling that Rayne was more than he let on. He really hoped the guy was just here to fuck with his head and wasn’t serious about hurting him.

“You gonna feed me or stare at me all night?” Felix asked.

“I guess I’ll feed you.” Rayne headed to the kitchen. Felix watched Rayne’s backside as he walked behind him. Good god, what a nice backside it was. He admonished himself and ripped his gaze away as Rayne pulled something from his refrigerator and placed the container in the microwave.

“Beef stew,” Rayne said.

Now Felix’s stomach was growling loudly. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast. He also didn’t trust Rayne’s sudden kindness. Felix didn’t trust anything about the guy. For all he knew, the food could be poisoned. But he’d watched Rayne take it from the fridge and pop it into the microwave. Unless he was that good at secretly poisoning people, Felix felt the food was safe.

When the microwave dinged, Rayne removed the container, stirred the stew, then grabbed a fork from a drawer. The beef stew smelled divine, and now Felix’s mouth was watering.

Only, Rayne dug in, taking a bite, moaning as he chewed. “Give me some kind of information and this is all yours.”

“You’re a real piece of work, asshole,” Felix retorted and then stormed from the room.

* * * *

Rayne was stunned speechless when Felix walked out. Who did the guy think he was? Then Rayne’s wolf growled in approval. God, he was a sick SOB because he enjoyed when his little captive got sassy with him. It took a lot of nerve to talk that way to someone like Rayne—not that he was complaining. Rayne liked a challenge. It was just one of the reasons he enjoyed hunting. Most people cowered when he walked into a room and froze in fear. But Felix was different.
