Page 9 of Rayne

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Rayne set the tray on the dresser. “Don’t crawl out the window. It’s too high up. Besides, I have men watching the house in case you try to escape.”

As Rayne left the room, Felix ran for the dresser.

Chapter Three

Felix stared at the tray of food and frowned. He shouldn’t eat anything the hunter had given him. He knew that. The guy wasn’t on his side. He was only encouraging his cooperation for whatever information Felix could give him.

But no matter how much Felix told himself not to cave under temptation and wolf down the food, he didn’t listen. He couldn’t. He was starving.

Felix didn’t waste any time eating once he’d made up his mind to satisfy his hunger. Taking food from this guy was probably the dumbest thing he’d ever done—aside from following a stranger home—but there was nothing that tasted as good as a nice hot meal.

And this stew really was good. Since Eleazar didn’t require food, Felix had to cook for himself. He was a lousy cook, and this stew was so good that he wanted to kiss whoever this Kieran guy was.

When he was done, he climbed onto the bed, which looked like something out of a dream. It was huge, with an intricate headboard of carved wood. And the decorative pillows were fluffy and soft to the touch.

The sheets looked silky, and the comforter was so thick he felt like he was lying on a cloud.

Now Felix wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep, though he shouldn’t since he was in his captor’s home. He didn’t know Rayne, didn’t know what the man was truly capable of, and if his threats were to be taken seriously, Felix needed to keep one eye open at all times.

But his eyelids grew heavy, and Felix wasn’t able to keep them open. Did Eleazar even know he was missing yet? What would the vampire do when he realized Felix hadn’t come home? Despite the grief they gave each other, Felix really did care about the guy, and he was sure Eleazar felt the same way, though he’d never expressed any kind of tender feelings toward Felix.

He closed his eyes for what felt like a second, but when he opened them, the room was bathed in darkness. It was like he’d just blinked and hours had passed. Felix pushed from the bed and walked to the window.

Then slid it open.

He pushed the screen up and glanced down below. Rayne was right. That was a pretty far fall if he attempted to escape. As he scanned the darkened yard, he saw a set of eyes glowing. The kind of glowing you would see when taking a picture. The sight was eerie, especially when he realized those eyes belonged to a wolf.

Probably one of Rayne’s pack members. Felix couldn’t make out the size or coloring because the wolf was mostly hidden in the shadows. But he knew the wolf was watching him, and that thought gave Felix a chill.

It all felt like a bad dream.

After closing the window, Felix sat on the side of the bed, trying to come up with some kind of plan. He could try to sneak out during the night when the wolves were asleep, but how in the hell was he going to do that when the place was locked down with that damn security system.

And even if he found a way out, the wolf outside would find Felix running away and more than likely rip him to shreds.

As he was lost in thought, the door creaked open. Felix looked up, his heart pounding. Rayne stepped into the room, a glass of water in his hand.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, setting the glass on the nearby nightstand.

Felix shook his head. “I’ve been trying to come up with a way to escape.”

Rayne raised an eyebrow. “And what have you come up with so far?”

“Nothing,” Felix admitted. “I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to be here, but I also don’t want to be torn apart by one of your wolves.”

Rayne sat down on the bed next to Felix. “Look, I know you don’t trust me. I get that. But I promise you, I’m not going to hurt you. My pack and I are trying to find the ones responsible for the killings in the city. Tell me you don’t want the same thing, Felix.”

Felix hated that his body reacted to Rayne’s presence. He wasn’t sure if he could believe the hunter. He’d been kidnapped and held against his will, after all. But there was something in Rayne’s voice that made him sound genuine.

“I won’t keep you here any longer than I have to,” Rayne said. “But I need you to tell me what you know about the vampires I’m after.”

Felix ground his teeth as he fisted his hands on his lap. “What part of ‘I don’t know’ don’t you get? Eleazar sent me out tonight to find out exactly what you’re asking me. To see if I can get any information about the missing humans. He doesn’t know who’s doing this, and neither do I. You can question me until your voice goes out, but my answer is going to be the same every time, Rayne. I. Don’t. Know.”

Rayne stood. “Try and get some rest. You’re safe under my roof. No one will bother you.”

“What if you’re the one bothering me?” Felix sassed. “Can I leave if you’re the one irritating the shit out of me?”

“Nice try.” Rayne walked out of the bedroom door. “Keep your head inside the window. I don’t want you accidently falling out.”
